I've created the room stairs from the right angle.
I see where the tile is connecting with the stairs, its off by a pixel or two, so I need to find out what's causing that.
I've added a Discord server for this project!
Join here...
To actually restrict per IP, you should disallow the usage of VPNs otherwise people will just mask their IP that way.
There'll be no CMS needed for this project, as I've actually forgot to mention before now.
Only thing required is a login and register.
Everything will be implemented natively into the game client.
News, shop, forum, settings etc.
I will be using Mobx for state management, and styled-components for designing.
This means that there'll be mulitple themes and that users can customize the GUI colors in any way they want.
The room floor is now getting drawn instead of using sprites.
This means faster performance, way smoother...