Would've loved to use MongoDB, but the TypeORM module is garbage, so the current server for now uses Sequelize, but I'll most likely go with PostreSQL or MongoDB if I can find a proper TypeScript metadata annotation based ORM for it.
Might go with a GraphQL wrapper aswell as it plays nicely...
There's no reason for me to use plain WS over Socket.io.
I could've gone for something like Primus, but Socket.io is battle-tested and consistent to a point where I think it's better, also the API aswell.
Angular isn't really an optional choice for this, as it's a full featured framework...
It does work, I've been using it for the past 2 months and 6 hours today, lol.
Thanks for it, but your suggestion didn't work :/
Seems like I'm not the only one having problems on Ubuntu Budgie 18.04
So basically my OS froze when I was browsing the web, so I had to hard reset it by plugging out the battery and power cable.
Now all of sudden after I've turned it on and plugged in the HDMI cable again the monitor doesn't detect the input at all.
Output from xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8...
I don't get the way you're using async / await.
Simply just return the value instead of creating a new Promise using the constructor.
static async create(user) {
const session = await Database.create(user)
const token = await JWT.sign(session)
return token
And if you need...
Totally in love.
You should check out Stencil, even though you don't like JSX.
Basically Vue + Angular + React / JSX combined plus it's only fucking 6kB.
And don't get me started on Nest.
I would love to learn Dart though.
It's definitely decent... but the one who put together the part list is a complete retard though.
You could've gotten a way better build if you just bought other parts separately.
But again this bundle includes peripherals.
What exactly do you need the PC for? Gaming, video rendering...
Damn looks good... but I'm still confused on what the purpose of this extension is :D
Also I'd suggest using the Mozilla Browser Extension Polyfill API so you can use the same source code for multiple browsers.
Or better yet use https://github.com/HaNdTriX/webextension-toolbox