It bugs and crashes all the time.
Chrome is fast, but Firefox has the fastest JS engine (V8 vs SpiderMonkey) and is literally 33+% time faster overall than Chrome.
Edge beats this even more, but well who tf cares, nobody uses that garbage browser anyway.
Just to mention, if you're going to do async stuff, you should do it inside componentDidMount and not componentWillMount as it gets called multiple times and the rendering is most definitely finished before the async stuff is.
Referring to your redux function that looks like a HTTP request...
There's a bunch of repositories around Github that follows up on this:
I've posted multiple times on them both, so cba reposting it here, but its quite some interesting read.
You should eventually get into TypeScript down the road aswell, as it really lifts up JS development and is a required knowledge at many job openings.
Anyhow Redux is good to learn, but the React ecosystem has expanded so much the past few months that there's better alternatives than Redux.
*grabs popcorn*
As stated above by Muffinss, quality over quantity.
Heroic is basically just the JS equivalent of RevCMS. Other than a bit better security, it's full of bad coding practices, shitty structure amongst other shit I cba writing down.
So before he gets way too over exaggerated, he...