Get JPXS Free Flash Decompiler, open up the Habbo.swf. Goto IMG 12 and 13. Right click the images and click export. Then edit them and replace the images.
You will also need to replace the camera images. I'm sure you could just edit the SWF to show one image instead of all 3 at once but I'm not...
No plugin or addon that I know of that's similar to this. Try adding it yourself. Just mess around with the staff page and make addition staffrank pages.
My bad I read it wrong. Try adding this to the GetRoomEntryDataEvent.cs
if (Room.RoomData.roomForSale)
Session.SendNotification(Session.GetHabbo().Username + " You have entered a room that is for sale. The price of this room is " + Room.RoomData.roomCost +...
After buying clothing and putting them on it wont show in the clothing editor.
I've cleared cache, reloaded and reset the user clothing items. Nothing works. There are also no error logs for the EMU.
I've also set the items to sellable="1".
It's also showing in the user_clothing table.