Hi Devbest!
I want to know on how can i increase the maximum credits just like fresh hotel. If you know how, Please can you tell me? Thanks in advance!
I've been having complaints about the cabin stone, which the height is not stack adjustable.. I just found a fix for it! (For those who don't know how to LMFAO)
But here it is!
1. Go to phpmyadmin, then go to your database
2. Go to your furniture table
3. Find the "xmas11_elewood"...
1. Name of hotel - Flab
2. What type of background - Summer in the beach
3. Bar text (Like DDoS Protected // 24 7 // Free VIP) Flab Hotel - Kind Staff - DDoS Protected - 24/7 - Great Catalogue
4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) - Very high