My friend has a website which he needs finishing.
The developer he got to make it the first time fucked him over and is unable to finish the site.
Here's what he currently has finished: http://dynamic-radio.co.uk/upcoming/
He has given me a list (below) of what needs completing.
So I got .htaccess to forward anything like ?id=1 to /id/1
But now I'm getting "Error 404, Not found.".
Is there something wrong with my .htaccess?
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
# Turn mod_rewrite on
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
# external redirect from /view.php?id=1 to...
Sometimes it's best to draw it out before you do it by code.
It's hard to see what you're going to design without having it in front of you ready to create.
Draw out the basic elements of your page, whether it be by hand or computerized.
Take a look at this.
Things to check
The web server user (often apache) executing the web script needs read ("r") permission on the included file. The web server user is usually different than the user who wrote the files.
Check that all the parent directories of the included file have the appropriate execute...
To start off, you'll need a web server - since we're using a server-side programming language.
Because we're only using the web server for learning, I recommend using XAMPP which can be downloaded from here.
You'll need a good text editor which will highlight your code syntax. If...
As if Google needs more money.
Think it's quite a stupid move from YouTube to be honest.
Also, I think what it's saying is BBC and 4oD will be the only free channels for UK citizens.
Which means we'll only be able to use YouTube for BBC and 4oD.
Stupid in my opinion.
So I found this while browsing the tinterwebz.
Bad move?
Try this.
Also, to fix the \ban [user] command in the chat box, run this code in SQL
I took it out.
In the addChat() function, replace createChat() with checkTime() and put this above the addChat() function:
function checkTime(){
$livetime = date('H:i:s', time() - 5);
$name = $_SESSION['chat-username'];
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM chat...