Some guy on here coded it terribly wrong, and it made me sad so:
Add this in GameClientManager.cs
public void VIPAlert(string Message)
foreach (GameClient client in this.GetClients.ToList())
if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() ==...
I didn't even approach him. He came to me, messaged me. Come and develop for my hotel, I said yes because Kei and James were involved.
That screenshot shows nothing LOOOOOOL.
Thank you, some people are just jealous that they are 34 years of age and trying to hustle teenagers for their knowledge. You could of payed anybody else, you called me. I'm a basic C# Developer, there's other people in the community like @Sage @Jaden , if you was scared I was going to scam you...
I was willing to work for free at first. I was excited for this hotel. He kept promising money so my brain was obviously expecting the money. I didn't violate your child over social media? I sent you a screenshot which said nothing about your child mate. He promised money around 20 times or even...
Right lets go. I can get @JMS and @Kei to back me up on this. This idiotic kiddo called Aaron is so dumb. He owes each of us money and he decided to take my files. We planned a hotel with James and Kei and we done some work for him only for him not to pay us. Excuses everyday " my sons in hosp"...