It's an issue with RageRP's emulator, you can't reload directly and log back in, because it'll bug your account due to the timer before it actually logs you out of the client, try logging out of your account and removing your seckey from the user table, then logging back in and accessing the client.
Hello there DevBest, I'm bringing you this tutorial to show you how to make your habbo purse box bigger, so the full credit amount will show and won't be overlapped.
Firstly, you want to download this Editorv2.4.5.rar?dl=0
Open it, locate your...
As stated before, this emulator is highly outdated. This thread is from 2016, highly suggest you move to R2 Plus Emulator or find an R1 more updated emulator.
Just run this entire query below, not sure why these columns or tables would be missing if you're using an R2 emulator, also I thought HabboEmulator was R1, maybe I'm thinking of Project Alaska, anyways, run this entire box.
ALTER TABLE `groups`
ADD COLUMN `forum_enabled` enum('0','1')...
Honestly, I have a thought that the camera isn't even coded into your emulator or has the correct files to work, if you can add me via Discord, Dayz#5319, I can take a look over TeamViewer.
Here's an actual response to your help thread, that might help.
The furniture you're trying to add, might be from an R1 database, so the catalog tables are significantly different, but not a lot. If you don't mind posting the error you receive when you try executing one of the queries of a furni...
Nice tutorial, there are already like 100s of them already released, but this is just adding to the community, so good job! Glad you learned how to do things on your own!