After speaking with Blasteh it appears the $_GET variable is not being set at all thus why it's not echoing anything. If I remember correctly, this was a problem with RevCMS and how it functioned.
Copy and paste a command that you have and rename it to "JerkOffCommand.cs"
Open Visual Studio and go to where the file is
Delete it.
What happened here is whomever touched the emulator last didn't delete the file via VS they deleted it via File Explorer. So, now VS thinks it exists and...
MUS("hotel_alert", "".$alert."");
$alert isn't defined in the snippet above..
Edit: Try this.. I'd also suggest putting the function for MUS someone more accessible incase you use MUS in other places in your HK..
Just out of preference you could just use the "Room" variable that is passed to the execute function instead of doing Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.Name.
If you have developed game servers shouldn't you know how to find a solution to a problem such as this one?
You must be using some really messed up emulator release considering any of the ones on here/rival forum don't have navigator issues. What revision (PRODUCTION) is the emulator on?
What part of the internet are we talking about? The fact kids like Greg flip out over silly online stuff and how busy peoples schedules are or the fact that kids still use the word "fuckboy" as an insult online? :confused:
I have PM'd you John. Get back to me whenever you have the time. :)