I found out about habbo retros because of my brother, he was working on a habbo retro and i did some googling about habbo retros and i found Boon, and i always wanted to own my own and develop my own.. which i started to learn how to edit/create a CMS.. then i did some more googling and found...
Goto Navicat if that is what your using, go-to the database and find Users, go-to the user you wish to add a pin for and find the pin collum in the database.
Depending on the Issue it could be many things when you are loading the client push f12 or open Developer Tools and console and reload the page and put a screenshot of the errors, it could also mean that the EMU isn't linked right to the swfs, or isnt' configured correctly, another solution...
Ah Fair
Ah Fair
It is still ashame that you did it, someone who put alot of work into it just for someone to do that. anywasy Ciao
Personally would go with @Hypothesis Because he can use discord and will do it for free, However no hate to @TheSpaghetiMaster its just DevBest Private messaging is just super slow.
Personally love this CMS, colors and everything, was trying to rip your index and register before and gave up because figured someone would call me out, then i made an index like it; http://prntscr.com/o6mx0l
Great job @DrPhil
Also, ashame to hear that someone took it, the retro...