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  1. Stee

    Introduction Well Hello there!

    Set up? Welcome to Devbest bruah.
  2. Stee

    Issues with r63 swfs | Help?

    I got it fixed a little. This is the error I get now... Error
  3. Stee


    Go into the database? Should be under something like 'cms_site_settings'.
  4. Stee

    RevCMS Edit

    I'll give you a tip. If you struggle with finding files and such. Use chrome and the 'Inspect Element' tool. Shows you where the files are at as-well as some other stuff.
  5. Stee

    RevCMS Edit

    The black top bar. Isn't so nice. Other than that, the index looks pretty good.
  6. Stee

    Your username. It's just great.

    Your username. It's just great.
  7. Stee

    Issues with r63 swfs | Help?

    I've change the Habbo.swf so many times from other SWF Packs but it doesn't do nothing but change the way the loading image looks. Like one will have it up in the left hand corner and the other will have it bang center. Any chance you could link me to a non out-dated Habbo.swf?
  8. Stee

    Duck Effect

    Adding this to my hotel once it's done. This is fantastic!
  9. Stee

    Issues with r63 swfs | Help?

    Hi, i'm currently setting up a hotel. I've been having this one issue for days. I was more sure i'd fix it and not give up, but.... Effort aha! So, when I load the client on IE it loads up as if it would then D/C. Then I try it on Chrome and get nothing. I try it on Firefox and I get nothing...
  10. Stee

    White client Error [RevCMS][BcStorm][r63b]

    Hi, i'm having issues with this white client error. I've checked my Vars. They are all linked up. My Emu runs fine to my knowledge... Here is my client.php <script type="text/javascript"> var habboName = "{username}"; var habboReqPath = "{url}"; var...
  11. Stee

    SWF editing help

    You need to update your hotel to r63b and you need a new habbo.swf if you want to do that...
  12. Stee

    [Fstorm EMU][RevCMS] Client doesn't load [Error in EMU][r63b]

    Hi, I keep getting an error every time I enter my hotel. I've not seen this error anywhere else on the forums so this one might be new to you. This is the error when the client loads up; It has to be one of the most annoying problems I've ever had.
  13. Stee

    Client problems, help!

    The picture attached to this my problem... The Emu and the Database link to each other fine. It's when I go into the hotel I start having problems with it. I've had occasions where I have actually got to the hotel view then I can't make rooms or do anything really. It sucks. Help mehhh!
  14. Stee

    Updated Swfs

    Are they R63b swfs?
  15. Stee

    [TUT] How to make an R63 Hotel using novaCMS

    Is there something up with all the links in this CMS? i've uploaded it to my server and it just refuses to work... Have a look for yourself.
  16. Stee

    Bobba hotel | the emu problems + client problems [help]

    Its Not localhost O.O Omg... And root is localhost! ITS NOT LOCALHOST D; Ye but then id need to prot forward it all and it sucks when you have to do that :/
  17. Stee

    Bobba hotel | the emu problems + client problems [help]

    [mysql]host=Http:// port=3306 database=bobbahat_hotel username=bobbahat_hotel password=***** If you ment like this... It dosent work still :/