Would you mind sharing? For the sake of a lot of peoples sanity?
Just been and looked at your hotel. You have it all in clothing as purchasable.
I believe we've changed ours to be selectable from the change looks box.
I have the fix for this. Shutdown your emulator.
Run this query.
I had this problem in R2. You should post us the error your EMU spits out. Would help.
ALTER TABLE `rooms` CHANGE `allow_pets` `allow_pets` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_pets_eat` `allow_pets_eat` INT(1) NOT NULL...
It's not i've already tried it. Doesn't mean it's "stuck" somewhere. I'm sure there is more edits you need to do than what is stated in some tuts.
I've purged CF cache and cleared my own. Still doesn't work. Sorry boss.
I also have this problem. Apparently there is a fix for it.
It's something to do with the way R2 reads the files or something. I'm not so sure on how to fix it but I know it's possible.
Ps. it's not gunna be your cloudflare cache.