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  1. Stee

    A few questions for you 2019 Habtards!

    I'm Plus/Rev Not really tried the others.
  2. Stee

    [PlusEMU Clothing] Creating Figuredata & Figuremap?

    Ah it's brutal! If I end up getting it i'll throw it your way haha?
  3. Stee

    [PlusEMU Clothing] Creating Figuredata & Figuremap?

    Aw sweet. Thank you. Just because the rest of the furni to go with these clothing is out and I thought it woulda followed suit.
  4. Stee

    [PlusEMU Clothing] Creating Figuredata & Figuremap?

    Hi again Devbest. I was wondering how I would create my own Figuredata and figuremap for this new clothing? I've looked through habbos and can't seem to find it? Here is the furnidata im not sure if that it will help? <furnitype id="10760" classname="clothing_r19_teddygown">...
  5. Stee

    [PlusEMU R2] Recent Purchases in cata

    Did you ever get around to relesing that?
  6. Stee

    [PlusEMU R2] [Wired] Trigger Countdown doesn't save?

    Hi again, so this wired below wont save it's timer once i've hit ready? I tried to also look for the .cs file in the source but I can't seem to find it so if anyone could help out that'd be amazing. Just tell me what you need to see and i'll provide. Thanks again.
  7. Stee

    Posters & Flags

    I'll be doing this very soon! I noiced a lot of the flags are missing and it's sad :(
  8. Stee

    WiredEffect MoveFurniToUserBox Lag

    Could I maybe have the link to this also? I'm having so many problems with wired.
  9. Stee

    HSCript - Lastest Habbo furnis of Retros

    That's pretty dope man! Well done.
  10. Stee

    PlusEMU Catalogue upgrade to sub catagorys?

    Aw thats kinda sad. Woulda looked amazing too.
  11. Stee

    PlusEMU Catalogue upgrade to sub catagorys?

    All of they pages have icons I just fon't think they're coded in? All of they pages have icons I just fon't think they're coded in?
  12. Stee

    PlusEMU Catalogue upgrade to sub catagorys?

    Hi I was wondering if it was possible to use the icons for the pages that are showen in the photo? Just think it'd clean it up a bit?
  13. Stee

    [PlusEMU R2] Wired help?

    Emu is in the title and here is everything I have for it. I think I got it now tho. The wired is TimerReset
  14. Stee

    [PlusEMU R2] Wired help?

    Hey so I've basically got the wired in. The right .cs for it and all. Went through and fixed all the errors. But now The effect works once in a room then the room needs to be :unload'ed for it to work again? Can anyone please for the life of me give me some insight into this. If more info is...
  15. Stee

    Teleporting other users

    Ehm thats probably too specific to really do my man. Especially if it's a command. Gunna need to pull a user and then somehow code it so they go to a piece of furni in a room your in? Seems pointless tbh? Better using wired to get your desired effect.
  16. Stee

    Teleporting other users

    When user says keyword > Teleport to furni
  17. Stee

    Teleporting other users

    Wired? no?
  18. Stee


    Yeah I thought so too. I set mines to 36fps. It does 100% make the game feel better tho as stupid as it is.
  19. Stee


    So is this a retarded thing to do or not?
  20. Stee

    PlusEMU | Unhandled Packet [3267] BODY | Help?

    Hey so I'm trying to update to the latest production build; PRODUCTION-201812272209-984739530 But I keep getting this Packet? If anyone could shed some light on this would be really appreciated. Client stuck at 76% obvsly Ps, kinda a noob, but a trying noob.