I recommend using a lighter font with a black border for the bottom text on your banner. You should also use the volter font for that part, as it feels more Habbo-ish.:)
As far as I know, you have to enable trading in your users_settings as well. Look for the 'can_trade' column in the table. To enable trading for all users, you can set the default value to 1 instead of 0.
Made these for another hotel a year or so ago, but since I've found other hotels using them, I'd rather just give them a public release for people to use.
Titles can easily be edited in any graphic editor. If provided with desired title, I'd probably be able to do it for you if you are too...
Not entirely sure regarding the default loading screen, but you could apply an overlay such as @Laynester 's clientloader, which allows you to manipulate it using css and js: https://devbest.com/threads/custom-loading-screen.88248/
@availableman @Rhydium On your server go to Control Panel -> Change date, time or number formats -> Additional Settings. Change the decimal symbol to a comma, like so: