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  1. Chuckie_

    [HELP] Missing hair on webpage

    Check the src tag of the images that show your avatars. 1564671165 EDIT: I read your post. Try switching from to
  2. Chuckie_

    Hs club

    You could make the default value of your club_expire_timestamp in users_settings be way out in the future, making people HC from when they register.
  3. Chuckie_

    FloorPlan Don't Saving

    What emulator? Could seem like there is some maximum tile count when using the editor.
  4. Chuckie_

    [HELP] Security code was incorrect fix

    What CMS? What security code? You gotta provide information in order to get help.
  5. Chuckie_

    Feedback FEEDBACK on Graphics Done.

    I recommend using a lighter font with a black border for the bottom text on your banner. You should also use the volter font for that part, as it feels more Habbo-ish.:)
  6. Chuckie_

    MySQL Error with BrainCMS Users not added in database

    Do you get any errors?
  7. Chuckie_

    How do I change my initial avatar at my hotel?

    Unexpected $config means that you have forgotten a semicolon somewhere.
  8. Chuckie_

    Adding Custom Furni to Morningstar

    Add the furni swfs in the hof_furni folder, then insert the required data in your furnidata.xml and items_base table.
  9. Chuckie_

    BrainCMS White Client All Swfs Linked Properly?

    Flash enabled?
  10. Chuckie_

    Morningstar // Trade not work

    As far as I know, you have to enable trading in your users_settings as well. Look for the 'can_trade' column in the table. To enable trading for all users, you can set the default value to 1 instead of 0.
  11. Chuckie_


    Run this query: ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN ip_last VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL;
  12. Chuckie_

    [Release] VIP badges

    Made these for another hotel a year or so ago, but since I've found other hotels using them, I'd rather just give them a public release for people to use. Titles can easily be edited in any graphic editor. If provided with desired title, I'd probably be able to do it for you if you are too...
  13. Chuckie_


    Anyways, why is this in the furniture release section?
  14. Chuckie_

    How to change the icon of the Gotws points bar

    Remember to also replace the icons in the the spritesheets located in the swf:
  15. Chuckie_

    Change Client Load Color

  16. Chuckie_

    Change Client Load Color

    Not entirely sure regarding the default loading screen, but you could apply an overlay such as @Laynester 's clientloader, which allows you to manipulate it using css and js:
  17. Chuckie_

    [Devbest Exclusive Series] [Ep. 1] How to create a R36B Habbo retro using XAMPP

    @availableman @Rhydium On your server go to Control Panel -> Change date, time or number formats -> Additional Settings. Change the decimal symbol to a comma, like so:
  18. Chuckie_

    Arcturus Help

    I'd guess that it's because your dice only has 2 interactions in your items_base table. If so, try upping it to 6.
  19. Chuckie_

    plus emu r2 adding furniture wont work

    Have you cleared your cache and relogged your hotel? Also look in the networks tab if your swfs are downloaded properly.