Try turn on php errors using this:
Then see what errors you get when trying to access the site.
Here is the one using the assets from the tutorial that I linked earlier. Also aligned the letters correctly, as you had some pixels errors on the upper part.
I can do the one from Boon if you can provide the hotel image used.
Haven't got the time myself, but you should just follow this simple tutorial: Reuse your existing banner where you could just crop out the text and place the hotel image behind it.
@Niko001 Are you honestly asking $1 for...
I prefer not using my discord for that. You'd learn more from messing around with the migration yourself too, but make sure that you've provided 4 arguments in your connection and are using a proper mysql version. Google is your friend too.
Again, what CMS is this? Seems it has configuration to either use mysql or mysqli. Redo what I sent and try changing your mysql type in the configs to mysqli.
What cms is this? Would you be able to share the entire class.engine file?
Try using this:
$this->connection = mysqli_connect($_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['username'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['password'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['database']);
If database isn't configured in your...
He has provided the base cms in the post which should contain sqls for the db. Afaik Brain supports both Plus and Arcturus, so you'd just have to download those from whereever they are found.
Does work with xampp. What php version are you running? What errors are you getting? Have you properly installed all dependencies and filled out details in the .env file?
Doesn't seem like you are using the correct item_ids in your catalog_items INSERT. Whole query looks odd compared to Arcturus' data structure. Where did you get these from?
$user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
while($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($user)){
$isOnline = ($user['online'] == 1) ? 'online' : 'offline';
echo "<img src='yourimagesfolder'/ . $isOnline . '.filetype'>";
Should work. Haven't done raw mysql in a while though.
*EDIT: If you are...