I got a friend to rip habpop clothes and that and I know you were using Alaska. It gives me a error though line 67 if I am right. I’ll discord you or fb you soon?
In all honesty, if you don't even know how to change that, why do you want to change them in the first place. I doubt you did any work on that emulator...
Comet is better than all of those mentioned, however if you are not very experienced with Java then I suggest you move to Plus because the majority of the developers in this community know C# so can help you when your stuck. Arcturus in my opinion is just a BTEC version of Comet. Thats my opinion.
Goodluck with this project. Personally I would rather you stick to one and finish it off completely. I believe Berk is or has been doing this project too.
Not a bad release for your first time. Nice job. Maybe you should’ve explained it at the start about the output page and only owners or what ever rank can see it.
Is your DB the actual DB used for your emulator? I suggest you move onto HabboEmulator by brad, by either way if your DB isn't the one for your emulator then there is your answer bud :)