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  1. Pinkman


  2. Pinkman

    Client disconnects at 100%

    Exactly what these files are. I’ve got a feeling it’s to do with figuredata.
  3. Pinkman

    Client disconnects at 100%

    Recommending files is not really helping in a way. He wants to fix the issue. @Viaarawdadsadawsa was the client working before?
  4. Pinkman

    Can't walk .. BUG - NEED HELP

    Ok, enable debugging mode and try that. This should show some unhandled packets I guess and we can work from there.
  5. Pinkman

    iis error permission

    It does exist lol.. Make sure require_once('/application/controllers/user_Controller.php'); has permissions too.
  6. Pinkman

    Help PlusEMU

    You don’t needs to see any type of source to view the issue. It’s clearly stated in the console. @KirCherOne do as @Zent says as it is the correct fix buddy.
  7. Pinkman

    Can't walk .. BUG - NEED HELP

    Ok buddy, do let me know if it has worked, Wrong! If it was a pathfinding issue he/she won't have even be able to walk. If anything that causes not to talk it's most likely a figuredata issue. As from the errors you can clearly see it tried to run some queries but failed - Strict mode. Hence...
  8. Pinkman

    Can't walk .. BUG - NEED HELP

    Turn MySQL Strict mode off buddy.
  9. Pinkman

    Login Issues

    I thought something was going on with Sucuri :P
  10. Pinkman

    Login Issues

    Using LewisLols CMS and it has always worked before.
  11. Pinkman

    Login Issues

    Fresh DB, RevCMS normal (tried 2 different ones), Sometimes logs you in normal account but login to client different person, sometimes it logs into a different account on website.
  12. Pinkman

    Login Issues

    Plus Emulator, | But when I used my files for HabboClub it worked flawless ?? Could it be due to Sucuri since we did have some issues with them, but doubt SSO got to do with that.
  13. Pinkman

    Habbo Battle Royale - Concept Art

    Fantastic work. Cannot wait to see more updates of this!
  14. Pinkman

    working on habboclub wby

    working on habboclub wby
  15. Pinkman


  16. Pinkman

    What Specs Are Required

    lol you can start as low as 1GB if you wish, also I recommend using Linux and Arcturus as your emulator.
  17. Pinkman

    Request Habbo Fansite Design

    @Owen I can vouch for his amazing designs :p <3_<3
  18. Pinkman


  19. Pinkman


    Nice, I assume editing some code it will work for Plus too?
  20. Pinkman

    Recruiting RP Developer

    He's not joking, I also believe that he was part of the original PixelRP Development team? @LeChris if you could please confirm this.