if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SSO) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SSO) || SSO.Length < 15)
No need for the extra code, because it shouldn't run anyway if the above if statement is triggered.
Don't mean to intrude, looked at some of the snippets and just thought I'd help out abit.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading;
using log4net;
using Plus.Core;
Not 100% sure as of now, the answer definitely isn't no though. Depends how I feel when I finish it.
Made a simple design for CMS index.
Done CMS GET/POST routing system.
Done CMS SessionHandler / SessionManager.
Done logging in and logging out.
Design isn't final, just a simple design...
Started working on a CMS w/ my own routing system, session handler, etc. Sorry about slow updates, busy w/ other stuff aswell.
Been running scripts to extract xml and images out of clothing swfs, ran scripts to convert figuredata/figuremap from xml to sql database, scripts are currently inserting clothing pieces/offsets into the database. Going to attempt to make my own Avatar Imager instead of using Habbo's. Not sure...
Plus used to have issues where sometimes it wouldn't take connections so the emulator would have to be restarted 1-2 times and it'd work out of nowhere, could be that. If not check the firewall to make sure the ports are open and make sure the connection between server and client are alright.
If the emulator doesn't receive the connection, then the emulator isn't receiving the connection?
Proxy may be down, ports may be closed or connection to the server may just be shitty.
I'll probably end up doing a few different versions of the server in different languages when the PHP ones finished, I just got bored of JS/C# so decided to go with PHP to start off with.
This is a development thread for a private Habbo HTML5 project I'm working on.
I'll update this thread as I go along.
Quote by @Sledmore
NOTE: I'm shit at threads.