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  1. G

    RevCMS Working News Comments!

    I could if you messaged me but I am not sure when I could get to doing that. I am really busy with work and school at the moment. You could if you wanted to
  2. G

    HybridCMS [OOP-MVC][DEV-W/Source]

    At the moment there is nothing to show i am still new to c++ and how habbo emulators work at the moment i am switching back to HybridCMS why i learn how to use the mysql connector library a little better. i will upload a new repo this after noon of what i have if you would like??
  3. G

    HybridCMS [OOP-MVC][DEV-W/Source]

    either way if you did copyright hybridcms or hybridhotel saluke would sue the hell out of you. Sorry for the lack of updates i have been working on HybridEmulator for the last 2/3 weeks :P resuming HybridCMS friday
  4. G

    RevCMS Working News Comments!

    If you don't redirect them then it won't show there new comment unless you wanna implement this with ajax
  5. G

    RevCMS Working News Comments!

    I would love to fix it but I don't have a working computer at the moment... Possible solution add a GET redirect at end of post. if(isset($_POST['comment'])) { ...code is here.... header('Location: '.$_CONFIG['hotel']['URL'] . "/news&Id=" . $article, true, 303); } I am not sure if that is...
  6. G

    [CSS] Easy way to make an arrow

    i believe you can do box shadow up or down ( bottom or top of a box ) so if the arrow is up or down maybe it would work?
  7. G

    Flux Octoroit

    I didnt know the idea of linux was being able to install an os without messing up the host os. Damn i thought the idea of linux was an open source platform that emulated the unix operating system or something along those lines....
  8. G

    [CSS] Easy way to make an arrow

    The other way involves making the left and right border side transparent while making the center the same color or something close to that correct? This seems so much easier!!! Thnx
  9. G

    PHP Problem

    Re-edited: Incase the variable "$site_desc" does not exist you should check to see if its defined first and if its set, if its not then the answer above/rastas would spring a parse error. try this: <title><?php echo $site_name; ?> - <?php echo (array_key_exists('site_desc', get_defined_vars())...
  10. G

    How long till the world ends?

    You failed science didnt you .... The sun is 1 star not a collection of million stars each star you see is a sun in another solar system. If the earth fludded we would just make cities above water or underneath the water in domes. And when our star explodes from the mas being greater then the...
  11. G

    How long till the world ends?

    We can make flying cars just not cheap enough for anyone to buy. or a hover craft...
  12. G

    How long till the world ends?

    I believe the human race will develop some type of space craft that can run efficiantly on solar energy with some help of a nuclear reactor and send seed ships to save the human race before we all die
  13. G

    Bitches Love Cake

    I really liked this song then he made a version with miley #decisions
  14. G

    HybridCMS [OOP-MVC][DEV-W/Source]

    Thank you!! i am still learning to program every day while i am working on this project so that means a lot :P And for the redirection error i actually noticed that if(isset($config, $config['domain'])) { $location = sprintf('Location: http://%s/404', $config['domain'])...
  15. G

    Could anyone please help i get C:\xampp\htdocs\app\class.engine.php on line 48 :(((

    This is just advice but i would advise you to use one of these setups for your hotel WAMP (Apache2 + Mysql ) IIS7 + Mysql community server And another tip: DONT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD
  16. G

    HybridCMS [OOP-MVC][DEV-W/Source]

    Blowfish with a random byte salt that can either be on a application level or per user level
  17. G

    revcms exploits

    You should not use xampp for production usuage. If your on windows take advantage of iis7 No i dont have this exploit but i would like to patch the exploit if your not running custom code besides a custom housekeeping
  18. G

    revcms exploits

    was the exploit ever found?
  19. G

    Housekeeping Session

    RevCMS filters through each request could it be possible that handleCall or what ever its called is calling session_destory(); and it has nothing to do with the housekeeping?
  20. G

    [DEV] Custom Skin [DEV]

    This is not a custom skin this is a whole cms project.. Anyways so your basically stating for $45 USA dollars you want a HabboCMS with these features Secure and Custom CMS either RevolutionCMS or UberCMS? Custom Theme with extra features: Homes, Bots, Badge shop, Lottery and Vault. 3rd Party...