Unrelated to current post but to fix those MySQL errors you have just right click and design table on the moonlight one and give item Id a default value and also for ththe user wardrobe looks just increase the length it's allowed because with custom clothes thatsbwhats causing the issue with...
Just copying that won't really help you unless you edit the word filter itself otherwise when you filter a word whenever someone says it, it's just gonna mute them and it would be easy to get around
If you know how to add commands I'm
Pretty sure you can add in the extra line in the commands table it's not like it's a pain to do unlike new furniture releases
sometimes ive had an issue where ive entered something wrong for the furniture table or catalog items table and it doesnt allow me to update the catalogue,
I just use this and seems to work fine for me
$url = 'http://votingapi.com/validate.php?user=George&ip=' . $ip;
$hasvoted = @file_get_contents($url);
if($hasvoted != '1' && $hasvoted != '2'){
header ("Location: https://findretros.com/vote/George")...