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  1. Alam

    .htaccess Style linking error.....

    Try adding the following line of code to your .htaccess, locate your stylesheet in a css folder and name it style.css RewriteRule \.css$ /css/style.css [NC]
  2. Alam

    Why Microsoft sucks...

    Microsoft doesn't provide skype, they bought it.. Doesn't mean they will make it any better they just want to be the chairman behind the commonly used online phone service called 'Skype'
  3. Alam

    Introduction Hi Devbest

    Welcome aboard! hope you enjoy your stay. Please read the the global forum rules to avoid getting banned or infracted.
  4. Alam

    Dear Mr. President:

    Obama has to support the people from his raze over anything!
  5. Alam

    Need help with RevCMS!

    What are you using to manage your database? i.g PhpMyAdmin, Navicat..
  6. Alam

    Need help with RevCMS!

    Go to Navicat or phpmyadmin, then create a column called 'seckey' in the users table. Make it null and make the length any number.
  7. Alam

    Link Speed & uplink

    It all depends what are you running, and what's your average bandwidth.
  8. Alam


  9. Alam

    The best "trolling a troll" comment on DevBest

    How is this funny? stupid 'tard.
  10. Alam

    [DEV] DevourCMS v1.0.0 [PHP / OOP / MySQLi]

    Nice to see some non-habbo developments active at the moment, anyways keep it up and I am proud of you fag :)
  11. Alam

    Happy birthday johnyboy!

    Happy birthday johnyboy!
  12. Alam


    There are children/people that don't have arms/legs and you don't see them talking about commiting suicide, this kid here has a healthy body, shelter and food, yet he wants to commit suicide over the interwebs. Are you kidding me?
  13. Alam


    Be thankful in life, there are kids who can't even eat nor sleep well because they can't afford food nor have a shelter and you are talking about commiting suicide? you couldn't possibly be any bitchier. You'll grow up and and eventually you'll find out that life is a gift.
  14. Alam


  15. Alam

    Best Font

    Depends what sort of font? it could be a web font or graphic font. On topic, my favorite font (for designing) is Lobster 1.4
  16. Alam

    It's my birthday I get high if i want too can't deny that i want you, but i'd lie if i had too.

    It's my birthday I get high if i want too can't deny that i want you, but i'd lie if i had too.
  17. Alam

    Happy Birthday brah!

    Happy Birthday brah!
  18. Alam

    Introduction Hello People =D

    Welcome aboard.
  19. Alam

    Post pictures of your setup!

    I don't usually use this TV as my external monitor but sometimes i do: