How could i properly configure MUS connections, my housekeeping mostly works on MUS functions but they're not working, I'm using latest rev, PHX 3.11
And I've opened outbound and inbound connections for 1233
Right, it's getting out of hand
The people in the video aren;t even the people on the profile obviously hacked, now facebook banned a girl then unbanned her and now shes posting again, it's so stupid, also it's like a new way to get likes and followers....
"add/follow my best friend Jess Casey...
i want to run a sql like this
mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_info (user_id, bans, cautions, reg_timestamp, login_timestamp, cfhs, cfhs_abusive) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['user']['id']."', '0', '0', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '0', '0')")
in reg_timestamp,
i want to get the users reg time...