Search results

  1. Spoderman

    [Wondering] Roleplay Emulator [Wondering]

    I told you this yesterday, there is a few out there, but I'm %100 sure they will not give it away free.
  2. Spoderman

    [TUT] How to make Professional Banners with Paint(brush)!

    A great tutorial for beginners (Y)
  3. Spoderman


    Wow man, bumping a 2 year old thread..
  4. Spoderman

    [Help] Custom Design [Client]

    You mean change the style, like this? Before: After: If that's what you're after, google "habbo swf styling" and a guide will be in the top of the search.
  5. Spoderman

    Why did you upgrade?

    Why did you purchase an account Upgrade? I purchased an account upgrade so I can change my name and get the special colour ;) It's worth it.
  6. Spoderman

    [Help]Exception has been saved[Help]

    Run this code as a query in your database. Restart emulator. ALTER TABLE `permissions_users` ADD COLUMN `cmd_roll` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_rave` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_control` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN...
  7. Spoderman

    GTA V GTA 5 - Crew Interviews

    Goodluck with your crew, I would apply to join, but I'm more into Crews that go around and fuck everyone up. haha
  8. Spoderman

    People are dying to get into this place!

    I didn't get it from a Vine. What do you mean by nice try? :( This joke is over 20 years old
  9. Spoderman Let me know if you... Let me know if you decide to code anything with it :)
  10. Spoderman

    Pluz ASE, For RevCMS *Sexy*

    Yeah everyone uses Plus Emu. Let me just upload to mega and I'll PM you link
  11. Spoderman

    Pluz ASE, For RevCMS *Sexy*

    I'm sure r63b is used the most now, if you need a r63b emulator and DB, hit me up. I have Plus Emulator (Eubbos stable edit)
  12. Spoderman

    People are dying to get into this place!

    You see, well. For some strange reason people are dying to get into this place. I don't know why, don't seem cool to me. i hep nno 1 tekz dis offensively
  13. Spoderman

    I have an idea for threads.

    I've seen this on a forum before, it's a good feature, great for GFX Shops and such, but wouldn't see how it would benefit DevBest much.
  14. Spoderman

    Rate the signature above you.

    i lyk de joint de hebbo avatar iz smokin! 10/10!
  15. Spoderman

    Show DevBest Personal Website V2

    de page neds moar sweg!!! Aha, you really have too much blue, like the simple design though.
  16. Spoderman

    qwakster wen did yu get sweg

    qwakster wen did yu get sweg
  17. Spoderman

    Service [URL] HabbFont - Generate your text ;)

    Yeah well, I've just tried the site and noticed it's in a different language. But not to mention the lack of features, you can't even see a preview of your text, the only choice is to download it straight away. and I've seen all these fonts on several different generators before.
  18. Spoderman

    Pluz ASE, For RevCMS *Sexy*

    No exploits in this? Nice
  19. Spoderman

    [REQUEST] Non-CMD Emulator

    Did I really just read this? LOL
  20. Spoderman

    Service [URL] HabbFont - Generate your text ;)

    Could be a load of different things, lmao Compare HackForums to DevBest, theres a difference there. What I'm trying to say to him, is there more fonts other generators don't use, is there different unique features?