It's the Ashley theme by Jxnblk - I just changed the font, customized text selection, added Disqus and added a stat counter.
Heh! Yea was thinking about that. I'll see what I can get ^^
Umm... Yea so I'm going to start writing about a ton of cool stuff and it'd be really cool if you read it.. Because if you don't the site is really pointless. Oh and comment! Don't forget to comment.
Kryptos' blog read it or die:kryptos:
I really dislike the colors, they don't mix well. The gradients... I don't know if the gradient is too strong like Alam said... but I'd just get rid of it and do flat.
It's fine for your first try though.
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host={$sql['host']};dbname={$sql['data']}", $sql['user'], $sql['pass']);
You put everything inside a string... So it took it as a single parameter. That should work.
You could start with something simple like an URL shortener :)
EDIT: Why - It is easy and you can make a simplistic but beautiful design since you really only need a text box and everything else is up to your imagination.
RastaLulz We'll, for me in that last part he is encouraging new ways of thinking, about forgetting everything you've been taught and question what you're doing and why you're doing it that way. Because that's how new and original ideas are born.