Paste the sql that gathers the credits, duckets and diamonds info. It’s nothing todo with your emu unless it doesn’t update your purse after purchasing.
For duckets the currency is 0, the credits are stored in the uses table. Use this to get duckets currency, change accordingly for your currency needed.
$users_a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN users_currency ON AND...
Have you :update_config or restarted the emulator?
Also you’ll need the Apollyon plugin, you can get it here
You type cmd in the file path of the converter and type ‘npm I’ into cmd then change the configuration and run ‘npm run start:dev’ I’ve explained it all in the post quoted above.
You’re obviously using SQL’s for a db which stores furniture under ‘furniture’ table, if you’re using Arcturus you need to modify it so it inserts it into ‘items_base’.
It’s just that simple🙃
Okay a more in-depth explanation. Download the converter from once downloaded goto the folder directory and in the path at the top type “cmd”, once command prompt has opened type “npm i” & let it do it’s ting, once...
Hello sxc users of Devbest,
I’m on the prowl for someone who can make me some gfx (willing to pay) of a few things, a banner for FR preferably animated and some custom news images like rotw, cotw and also a nice Ubbo happenings image. If you can do this then either reply here or shoot me a...