Recent content by Puqi

  1. Puqi

    IlluminaCMS Edit (Used on

    wrong links.. it's gy.azo ._.
  2. Puqi

    - the one & only.

    - the one & only.
  3. Puqi

    Good Sceen Capture?

    I recommend Fraps for you. It's easy to use and have pretty good hd quality if you have right render settings.
  4. Puqi

    Good Sceen Capture?

    :3 Ikr. You need to pay for quality.
  5. Puqi

    Good Sceen Capture?

    Blackmagic: Intensity Pro is very good capture card. Go to watch some quality tests on Youtube. Link:
  6. Puqi

    Anyone has Queue's skype?

    Anyone has Queue's skype?
  7. Puqi

    Call of Duty COD: Ghosts

    Sounds good to me + it's made by Infity Ward with new game engine. :)
  8. Puqi

    Who wants to go to Mars

    Too scary for me and there isn't SubWay on Mars.
  9. Puqi

    Recoulerd Badge By Besar!

    Please, don't use hue/saturation. Paint it manually with pen tool. :3
  10. Puqi

    League of Legends

    Wow.. this champ looks so cool, even though it isn't confirmed to be released.
  11. Puqi

    League of Legends

    My "main" champs: Jayce Diana Kha' Zix Caitlyn Zed Talon
  12. Puqi

    League of Legends

    yea, but it can be hard to escape while enemy team targets you in team fights.
  13. Puqi

    League of Legends

    mhm.. They are buffing varus' q and nerfing his e skill. And Varus don't have any good escape skills, but he has very good farming skills, range & cc.
  14. Puqi

    League of Legends

    I used to play as Caitlyn, however I got bored in it.. now I'm thinking of buying Draver or Varus. :3
  15. Puqi

    League of Legends

    I play LoL in EUW. My fav champ atm is Jayce. :)