Recent content by mickb1998

  1. M

    Phoenix 3.11 Emulator, RevCMS

    Dear DevBest members, I was always dreaming of making my own retro and now i am just 1 step away from having one :)! My problem is this, When i go to my client, it loads etc but after 10 seconds, it goes to the localhost/me page? Why does this happen and why can't i make a cool room? Yours...
  2. M

    BcStorm Errors

    Still doesn't work:(
  3. M

    BcStorm Errors

    Like this?
  4. M

    BcStorm Errors

    Error in query: INSERT INTO rooms (roomtype,caption,owner,model_name) VALUES ('private',@caption,@username,@model) MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Field 'description' doesn't have a default value at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket() at...
  5. M

    BcStorm Errors

    What do you mean?:S Im new to retro making :p
  6. M

    BcStorm Errors

    Someone who can help me through or TeamViewer? Or just post it here what i need to do :)
  7. M

    Service Habbo Retro Banners and Badges!

    Thank you so much for the badge!
  8. M

    Error in Navigator cache got caught

    How will i fix this? Please wizards of devbest help me :)
  9. M

    Phoenix error

    How do i fix this?
  10. M

    A Guide To Habbo Retro's

    Nice :) 9/10
  11. M Please help <3 Please help <3
  12. M Please help <3 Please help <3
  13. M Please help <3 Please help <3
  14. M

    Hey could you help me to setup my vps i get 1 error. After the error is gone i can do it myself...

    Hey could you help me to setup my vps i get 1 error. After the error is gone i can do it myself. Please no one wants to help me and you are the best coder i know on this forum!
  15. M

    Hey could you help me? On my VPS i get an really weird error

    Hey could you help me? On my VPS i get an really weird error