Recent content by Hayd3n

  1. Hayd3n

    room bundle issue with catalog?

    In catalog_pages under "page_strings_2" Bundle Name ||<font size='20px' color='#8b0000'> What's Included?</font>|Buy direct, and save|
  2. Hayd3n

    Valentines Restaurant Room Bundle for Plus Emu R2

    You mean the page layout? try setting it to "single_bundle"
  3. Hayd3n

    Valentines Restaurant Room Bundle for Plus Emu R2

    I'm pretty sure Room Bundles are coded in Plus R2
  4. Hayd3n

    Habbo-Camera Fix

    You need to allow write permissions to the camera folder
  5. Hayd3n

    Wired Selection Amount

    Plus->Communication->Packets->Outgoing->Rooms->Furni->Wired Find the following in each file and change the Interger Value base.WriteBoolean(false); base.WriteInteger(5);
  6. Hayd3n

    Escaping curly braces. Revcms

    Just remove them from the class.template file and just change {server_ip} to your proxy ip in client.php
  7. Hayd3n

    Hof_furni downloader any hotel

    I edited the one @AlexVolc realeased a few days ago and added a config file so you can edit the links. Edited it again since @Twan pointed out it would stop if the server returned (404 Not Found) Config file added Error File added Proceeds to the next file if the server throws "404 Not Found" &...
  8. Hayd3n

    About my camera

    You need to allow write permissions to the camera folder
  9. Hayd3n

    Tried, doesnt work? add me Hąγɖεη™#7449

    Tried, doesnt work? add me Hąγɖεη™#7449
  10. Hayd3n

    Retro SSL Bug CloudFlare

    PM me and ill help you with it.
  11. Hayd3n

    HallOfFame Packet & Habbo.swf Edit

    Here HallOfFameMessageComposer = 2134;
  12. Hayd3n

    Camera - No issue

    Are the links your's? did you decompile the swf and edit the stuff related to camera
  13. Hayd3n

    [help] missing packages

    For Incoming is this the one that's already using ID "1009" public const int GetForumsListDataMessageEvent = 1009;
  14. Hayd3n

    [help] missing packages

    Try these Incoming public const int GetGroupForumsMessageEvent = 1009; Outgoing public const int GroupForumDataMessageComposer = 2835; public const int UnreadForumThreadPostsMessageComposer = 3200;
  15. Hayd3n

    Client not working after trying to port forward

    Was the client working before you done the port forward? Press f12 when loading client and check if there is any errors