Some ideas


Boredom, it vexes me.
Oct 30, 2011
If you're unaware, in the thread, I suggested UI.X 2 (for when we update to XF2)
These are some ideas I have to improve, and change the forums up.
DISCLAIMER: These are with the idea that DevBest is using UI.X 2, however will work without it

I put them in spoilers to attempt to keep things cleaner
  • - Would add a small, but nice extra feature to threads, making them more interactive and possible increasing forum activity to more than just a shoutbox

  • - Allows a user to link their Spotify account, and show what they are listening to on the forums, would be a nice way to introduce users others that listen to the same music

  • - I know we have a "Best Answers" but this seems much more advanced than the one we use. This will add a Stackoverflow-like voting system for answers, and in my opinion, improve the support categories

  • - If (and hopefully) we switch to UI.X 2, this would be nice to have as it would allow users to semi customize their profiles, making them unique and match the user's personality more

  • - Adds the ability to showcase trending threads, would help increase activity to the forums by showing users threads that are active

  • - I'm not sure if this is made by the same guy as the one we have now, but this one is for XF2, and it appears to have a bot that validates everything, instead of using webhooks

  • - Could use this to have users follow a staff account (ie DevBest) and that account could be used to post news and updates, would just clean stuff up, so instead of having each staff member post news from their account, a general staff account would do it (TH made a Login as User add-on for XF1, hopefully they update it to XF2, and then that can be used so staff can just switch to it, but if not the following add-on would help)

  • - This would work well with the previous entry. (only really suggested to go with autofollow)

  • - I'm not sure if mentioning is builtin to XenForo, if not, this is a XF2 version, that not only adds user tagging, but group tagging, so users can just do "@moderators" if they need a moderator, instead of tagging each one individually. Also, adds hashtags

  • - Integrates XenForo and WordPress, we could bring articles back to DevBest, and this time actually do something with them. Have an article staff that would post nice articles about their respected category, such as entertainment, gaming, technology, ect.

  • - Adds Reddit-like post comments, an easier way to see responses to posts

  • - Now this one I understand not wanting, but I'm adding it and going to provide a reason still. This would be useful in a development section, so the developer is the only one able to reply with updates. Of course, this would require them to have another thread for support/bugs (with that the "Post Comments" and "Question and Answers Forums" would be nice)

  • - I believe we have something like this on XF1, but this is a XF2 version, allowing each node to have custom styling and images/icons

  • - This really is something that could be added just to improve experience, but really isn't needed as browsers have a bookmark feature, but putting it here anyways

This list will be updated as I find more add-ons that I think the community could benefit from.

.logo { background-image: url('spritesheet.png') no-repeat; display: block; }
.devbest-logo-center { width: 520px; height: 142px; background-position: -5px -5px; }
.devbest-logo-christmas { width: 520px; height: 142px; background-position: -5px -157px; }
.devbest-logo-halloween { width: 520px; height: 142px; background-position: -5px -309px; }

Also available here, as individual images:



I've seen the current staff icons on multiple websites and figured we could use something else, to make us more unique.

I encourage users to add more to this thread
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 28, 2018
If this is a little thread where we can all had ideas to it then why not.
I'd suggest adding a feature for businesses, like a business account - introduce a better section for hosting and web development companies.


Boredom, it vexes me.
Oct 30, 2011
If this is a little thread where we can all had ideas to it then why not.
I'd suggest adding a feature for businesses, like a business account - introduce a better section for hosting and web development companies.
This wouldn't be bad, if we had a better history

So far, 100% of "companies" that advertised on here, are dead now


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
If this is a little thread where we can all had ideas to it then why not.
I'd suggest adding a feature for businesses, like a business account - introduce a better section for hosting and web development companies.
Please create a new thread if you have a seperate suggestion.

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