Is religion good or bad for humanity?


Holla Holla
Nov 3, 2014
I think its great that people can hold onto something when going through hard times knowing they will be rewarded at the end no matter who it is the call "god". But people take the folklore that comes with it far too literally, In essence they are metaphors not historical events. I personally take a lot of various religious life lessons from different religions. As long as you don't absorb the bullshit religion has a lot of positive things we can take from it.


Posting Freak
Apr 21, 2017
religion is good because it gives people something to believe in. kinda like how kids believe in santa and some people believe that god was an actual person at one point.


Oct 18, 2016
Wrong, please educate yourself on Islam then come debate whether the ideology ISIS pushes differs from the core teachings of that vile, barbaric religion.
Islam isn't violent; some of its believers are, which goes for every religion.
People generalize a religion based off what they hear on the news.
Propaganda ftw.
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👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Islam isn't violent; some of its believers are, which goes for every religion.
People generalize a religion based off what they hear on the news.
Propaganda ftw.
Not sure where you live, but if anything the islam is NOT being criticized in the media. Everytime a terrorist attack happens, the media is full with why this isn't the fault of the islam. So what the hell are you talking about with propaganda?


Oct 18, 2016
Not sure where you live, but if anything the islam is NOT being criticized in the media. Everytime a terrorist attack happens, the media is full with why this isn't the fault of the islam. So what the hell are you talking about with propaganda?
Muslims ALWAYS gets blamed for everything.
Maybe not directly, but the media is impacting your subconciousness, or that's atleast what they've done here.
9/11 is a pretty good example on how they've blamed muslims.


Leaving a legacy
Sep 14, 2016
Muslims ALWAYS gets blamed for everything.
Maybe not directly, but the media is impacting your subconciousness, or that's atleast what they've done here.
9/11 is a pretty good example on how they've blamed muslims.
Most of the attacks are by Muslims. Mass tragedy attacks.

Not against Muslims or anything just saying as that is what is said.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Muslims ALWAYS gets blamed for everything.
Maybe not directly, but the media is impacting your subconciousness, or that's atleast what they've done here.
9/11 is a pretty good example on how they've blamed muslims.
Yeah I always blame muslims when I spill milk over my shirt. What the hell are you talking about. How are they blamed for everything? The muslim(s) who did the attacks get blamed, and maybe because they did? And yeah no shit, 9/11 was performed by Muslims, or are you trying to make this in to some conspiracy subject?


Dec 6, 2011
Muslims ALWAYS gets blamed for everything.
Maybe not directly, but the media is impacting your subconciousness, or that's atleast what they've done here.
9/11 is a pretty good example on how they've blamed muslims.
Why, Sentinel? FailFish

This is not some Illuminati conspiracy shit that none of us normies are aware of, this is as black and white as it gets, it's factual that the hijackers behind 9/11 were Muslims belonging to the Muslim terrorist group, Al-Qaeda.

And yes, if an act of terror is committed by a person of Islamic background, who identifies as a Muslim, and shouts the takbeer of Islam before committing the act of terrorism; then I will not only blame that particular Muslim, I will also blame the religion they adopt because it is inherintly a violent and barbaric religion that rips one from their autonomy and instills upon them values that the doctrine sees fit and sufficient to control and manipulate them.

You can make an argument out of emotion ("Oh but why are Muslims always to blame?", "Muslims don't do anything"), but that argument won't be worth shit; facts and statistics speak volumes in regards to why Muslims and Islam specifically are the first to have fingers pointed at them when a tragedy occurs.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Why, Sentinel? FailFish

This is not some Illuminati conspiracy shit that none of us normies are aware of, this is as black and white as it gets, it's factual that the hijackers behind 9/11 were Muslims belonging to the Muslim terrorist group, Al-Qaeda.

And yes, if an act of terror is committed by a person of Islamic background, who identifies as a Muslim, and shouts the takbeer of Islam before committing the act of terrorism; then I will not only blame that particular Muslim, I will also blame the religion they adopt because it is inherintly a violent and barbaric religion that rips one from their autonomy and instills upon them values that the doctrine sees fit and sufficient to control and manipulate them.

You can make an argument out of emotion ("Oh but why are Muslims always to blame?", "Muslims don't do anything"), but that argument won't be worth shit; facts and statistics speak volumes in regards to why Muslims and Islam specifically are the first to have fingers pointed at them when a tragedy occurs.
It's not just the Islam though, religions like Christianity have done some fucked up shit, too, and probably still do. However no such things anymore such as terrorist attacks (often, anyways).


Oct 18, 2016
Yeah I always blame muslims when I spill milk over my shirt. What the hell are you talking about. How are they blamed for everything? The muslim(s) who did the attacks get blamed, and maybe because they did? And yeah no shit, 9/11 was performed by Muslims, or are you trying to make this in to some conspiracy subject?
Muslims are just the facade. Yes indeed they executed the attacks, but they're not the ones who planned them.
Only reason why they're executing them, is because they're forced/brainwashed to by some 3rd part. Every time some big event happens and it's on the news, some other more important shit happens, but people are too naive to care when there's just been a "terrorist" attack. It couldn't be more logical, lol.
Everything from 9/11, to USA claiming Iraq has nukes to invade them, to the mass slaughters in Paris and so on.
Don't call it conspiracy, if you research enough, there's been hundreds of interviews actually proving who's to blame and who did exactly what.
I still find it funny how the owner of the WTC insured the 3 towers against terrorism by airplane strikes 2 weeks before the event, and the day after it happened he cashed out the insurance.

If you controlled the world, and something(Islam) was becoming out of control, wouldn't you do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening? You most likely would. Hence why they've been the facade for everything happening lately. ;)
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👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Muslims are just the facade. Yes indeed they executed the attacks, but they're not the ones who planned them.
Only reason why they're executing them, is because they're forced/brainwashed to by some 3rd part. Every time some big event happens and it's on the news, some other more important shit happens, but people are too naive to care when there's just been a "terrorist" attack. It couldn't be more logical, lol.
Everything from 9/11, to USA claiming Iraq has nukes to invade them, to the mass slaughters in Paris and so on.
Don't call it conspiracy, if you research enough, there's been hundreds of interviews actually proving who's to blame and who did exactly what.
I still find it funny how the owner of the WTC insured the 3 towers against terrorism by airplane strikes 2 weeks before the event, and the day after it happened he cashed out the insurance.

If you controlled the world, and something(Islam) was becoming out of control, wouldn't you do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening? You most likely would. Hence why they've been the facade for everything happening lately. ;)
Sorry but, dumb people like you are the reason theories like this exist. Because it's much more logical the Illuminati is at work instead of religion and dumb people who kill for it.

Anyways, you're being offtopic, so keep your weird conspiracy topics out of it.


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
The concept of God and good spirit is true and pure, but that's not what religion is.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the actions of the shadow governement between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.." -Albert Pike

Religion is just a weapon, but i'd consider myself christian at core. Because i follow alot of yeshua's teachings
  • Everything that lives is sacred (except wasps fuck those guys)
  • Treat others as you'd treat yourself,
  • Put good into the world and it will absolutely come back equally later
  • Humble yourself, pray for your enemies type of shit (unless you gotta give them a righteous ass whoopin)
^ That is healthy, not the shit we see today with "muhammed this, jesus that". Once we disregard all that shit and just use our own brain, the light is shown.

Relationship with the good path/good spirit/positive frequency is what you want, not religion


Oct 18, 2016
Sorry but, dumb people like you are the reason theories like this exist. Because it's much more logical the Illuminati is at work instead of religion and dumb people who kill for it.

Anyways, you're being offtopic, so keep your weird conspiracy topics out of it.
I don't know how you're going to argument against actual facts by calling me dumb, but ok.
It's all about power and wealth.


Lord Farquaad
Apr 3, 2013
If a religion makes you hate something, someone, or anything, you need a new fucking religion.



👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
I don't know how you're going to argument against actual facts by calling me dumb, but ok.
It's all about power and wealth.
Don't call theories facts. The fact you call such theories facts, warrants me calling you dumb. I'm not going to argue with someone who calls such things facts. Maybe you should smoke less weed.


Dec 6, 2011
This thread.. FailFish

The concept of God and good spirit is true and pure, but that's not what religion is.
You're entitled to your opinion, but the concept of God is stupid, defies logic and shouldn't be given nearly as much importance as it is offered. - Also, no one has ever stated that religion equals belief, religion is a belief system that preaches the application of a set of teachings with basis of said belief.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
That's cute, it almost makes it sound as if any Arab state or all of them combined can take on Israel on its own thereby leading to said mutual destruction, that statement neglects the fact that Israel on its very own without the aid of its allies can wipe the floor with the entirety of the Middle East should it feel its existence is truly in danger. If a group of Arab states couldn't take on Israel when it had nothing but a shit air force, they most certainly can not take it on today will of its innovations and advancements in military technologies.

Religion is just a weapon, but i'd consider myself christian at core. Because i follow alot of yeshua's teachings
  • Everything that lives is sacred (except wasps fuck those guys)
  • Treat others as you'd treat yourself,
  • Put good into the world and it will absolutely come back equally later
  • Humble yourself, pray for your enemies type of shit (unless you gotta give them a righteous ass whoopin)
So, you're Christian because Jesus just so happened to have preached some common sense and teachings found in philosophies that preceeded him? Alright.

I don't know how you're going to argument against actual facts by calling me dumb, but ok.
It's all about power and wealth.
CONSPIRACY THEORY! NOT A FACT! > "Muslims are just the facade. Yes indeed they executed the attacks, but they're not the ones who planned them."
CONSPIRACY THEORY! NOT A FACT! > "Only reason why they're executing them, is because they're forced/brainwashed to by some 3rd part"
omgggg, the WTC so totally did not have insurance before 2001, that thing where the insurers paid out an estimated $510 million in damages after the 1993 bombing was like totally charity! and it's like so not that Silverstein was obligated to insure the World Trade Center after he took over the lease, but he just so happened to be told by the government because they totally were behind 9/11!!!! how did nobody figure out that it was all an inside job???!!! ughhh!!! > "I still find it funny how the owner of the WTC insured the 3 towers against terrorism by airplane strikes 2 weeks before the event"



You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
You're entitled to your opinion, but the concept of God is stupid, defies logic and shouldn't be given nearly as much importance as it is offered. - Also, no one has ever stated that religion equals belief, religion is a belief system that preaches the application of a set of teachings with basis of said belief.
"God" is simple, it's love and morals that's about it. If you keep overthinking it you end up where muslims and christians are.
I'm 100% sure that if "God" was an entity place person or thing, we would never ever figure out its name or its nature, so fuck it.

That's cute, it almost makes it sound as if any Arab state or all of them combined can take on Israel on its own thereby leading to said mutual destruction, that statement neglects the fact that Israel on its very own without the aid of its allies can wipe the floor with the entirety of the Middle East should it feel its existence is truly in danger. If a group of Arab states couldn't take on Israel when it had nothing but a shit air force, they most certainly can not take it on today will of its innovations and advancements in military technologies.
True, but time can always change several variables included with this. Plus the quote was from Albert Pike's letter over 200 years ago in 1871

So, you're Christian because Jesus just so happened to have preached some common sense and teachings found in philosophies that preceeded him? Alright.
Common sense and teachings that are nowhere to be found in today's society, shouldn't be surprising.
Surely if these teachings were that simple, everyone would have it down by now.

Go turn the radio on and find me a song that is enlightening, not about suicide or drug glorification. What, too modern of an example?
Okay let's go to the middle east then, they kill and spill blood for their perception of "being righteous". If they took into consideration yeshua's words (from the same FUCKING book), they would say "wait man this isn't right".

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