Ferguson's Decision


Active Member
Oct 28, 2013
"Last night the long awaited Grand Jury decision in the case of Michael Brown and Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson . According to the decision, there was no probable cause to file charges against Officer Wilson and therefore he is exonerated and will not face indictment.

As a result of the Grand Jury decision not to indict Wilson, rioters took to the streets last night burning down dozens of buildings, looting, throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at police, burning American flags, burning cars, and smashing windows. Small businesses were completely destroyed and burned to the ground.Twenty-nine people were arrested by police. The good news is nobody was killed.

"It's really unfortunate this evening because we had really planned...and talked about the fact that we were really hoping for peaceful protests and I mean that," St. Louis Police Department Chief Jon Belmar said during a press conference early this morning."
(Credits to the author from )

More information on this can be found


For them to burn the American flag is far exaggerated and in my opinion VERY DISRESPECTFUL. I feel the way they are dealing with this is IMMORAL. What are your opinions on this?


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
It's just crazy, this whole situation is crazy. I don't get how he got free


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
The burning of the flag is over exaggerated to be honest. I don't consider it causing any emotional distress on this country as a whole, because America is so screwed up. I hate how people over-emphasize the US being such a "free" country when it really is based on your skin color, and religion, and so many other things. The government also screwed everybody over, so I don't care much about the burning of the flag - I agree things need to change, and that's what the riot is about in my perspective. The System allowed a cop who should've been charged with murder to get away free of charge because of his badge, so things need to change, especially the system and it needs to quit being so biased.


DevBest CEO
May 28, 2011
he's a pussy for complaining about his (non-existent) injuries
that is all


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
The burning of the flag is over exaggerated to be honest. I don't consider it causing any emotional distress on this country as a whole, because America is so screwed up. I hate how people over-emphasize the US being such a "free" country when it really is based on your skin color, and religion, and so many other things. The government also screwed everybody over, so I don't care much about the burning of the flag - I agree things need to change, and that's what the riot is about in my perspective. The System allowed a cop who should've been charged with murder to get away free of charge because of his badge, so things need to change, especially the system and it needs to quit being so biased.
Not the System that's screwed it's the Jury that was obviously chosen, no system is perfect. Let's be honest in United Kingdom and such they have only 1 person decide the fate and that's just the judge. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is guilty so that jury could have been 11 - 1 and he got off free because that last person didn't believe he was Guilty.

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