Angel Rust


Deutsch Techno-Freak WIR SIND EIN
Feb 21, 2011
Join the server F1>client.connect
What is Angels Rust Server?
Angels Rust server is a steam based game with a proper Hosted games network with DDOS Protection. Rust is a game where you start of as a beginner with a rock and torch or kits(adding now) and you are to survive in the world of Rust againest other players Build houses out of wood then work your way up destroy patrol helicopters to get wonderous loot or just head to an oil rig and shoot NPC scientest which at the end you get a locked create with good stuff daily Air drops to help you progress more it fun simple to play and takes 0 skill unless your a good player who can shoot stright.

What Rust are you hosting?
We are running a Modded Rust server so yes it does mean i am useing oxide however 2020 we will have a vanilla rust server soon with 0 mods.

What plugins do you have that works?
We have a lot of plugins to go through here the list
  1. AdminChat
  2. AdminDecayHammer
  3. AdminRadar
  4. ArrowRaiding
  5. AutoChat
  6. AutoDecay
  7. AutoDoors
  8. AutoLightsOut
  9. Backpacks
  10. BetterLoot
  11. Bloodtrails
  12. BluePrintShare
  13. ChainsawFailureProbability
  14. Christmas
  15. ChristmasTreePresent
  16. Clans
  17. DiscordAuth
  18. DiscordConnect
  19. DiscordCore
  20. DiscordDeath
  21. DiscordMessages
  22. DiscordPlayers
  23. DiscordReports
  24. Discordrewards
  25. DiscordStatus
  26. GatherControl
  27. GodMode(Owners access only)
  28. GUIAnnouncement
  29. InfoPannel
  30. ItemCostCalculator
  31. Jail
  32. Kits
  33. NoEscape
  34. PrivateMessages
  35. RustCord
  36. RustIO
  37. RustRewards
  38. SlowModeChat
  39. StarterMoney
  40. TabexDonate
  41. TeleportMarker
  42. TownTeleport
  43. VechileLicence
  44. ZoneManager

What are your Game servers running?
Bootstrap Startup

Name: UK1000N

OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit

Model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz

Cores: 32

Memory: 131026 MB

Do you have websites or Forums or social Links?
Yes we have most of those includeing a RUSTIO map Overview
Store(working Progress)
Vote for US and
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also due to it christmas day all players get x20 air drop containers to use as part of the Angels Server team
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