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  1. maxx

    Habbo Problem Skin is white

    Strange, so it can actually find it but your client cannot.
  2. maxx

    Looking for a developer ASAP

    I might be down if you still need it
  3. maxx

    Habbo Problem Skin is white

    What happens if you just visit http://localhost/gamedata/figuredata.xml directly in your browser?
  4. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    Agreed, you should follow semantics and have a seperate folder for it. Have you had any success with the broken furni? For me some are still broken. :/
  5. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    That was a much simpler solution than mine. :D I'm guessing we have to solve the remaining SQL errors to get everything to work.
  6. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    I'll send it when I come home
  7. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    I was getting the same thing. The column clothing_on_walk I simply added with some regex magic, by first creating the column and then applying , ''); at the end of every insert statement to make up for the new column. After that it didn't complain about that column in particular anymore, however...
  8. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    It's the SWF and icon, but for some furniture the icon does not load but I can see the SWF.
  9. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    This is what my catalog looks like. Most pages are working perfectly, but some furni are empty and some pages like Battle Ball is completely empty. Screenshots:
  10. maxx

    Custom Arcturus Catalog 2.0

    I'm getting the same thing, a lot of the furni loads but some are completely empty (not even black boxes).
  11. maxx

    Holo5 - HTML5 Engine [NodeJS, TS, Sass, MySQL]

    Really cool, nice work! Hyped to see more of this. :)
  12. maxx

    Can't stack furni (Arcturus Morningstar 2.2.0 RC-2)

    Title explains it. For some strange reason I can't stack furni which is pretty annoying. I found this git issue of someone explaining the same problem, but apparently it should work by default. I'm running the latest version of morningstar as well, so I can't see why this shouldn't work. Help...
  13. maxx

    Retro Fresh Having 16000 users online?

    Didn't even occur to me that it could be a DDoS attack, but that makes a lot more sense than fresh faking their usercount.
  14. maxx

    Hiding backend IP

    Yeah, I think I'm going to go with their DDoS protected VPS instead and deploy my emulator on there, but I'll keep looking for a solid and cheap TCP proxy.
  15. maxx

    Hiding backend IP

    This looks a lot better than what Cloudflare has to offer, thanks!
  16. maxx

    Hiding backend IP

    I mean DDoS protection for the proxy server. Since I can't obfuscate the backend a proxy would be the obvious choice, but if someone can just hit the proxy offline it defeats the purpose of it.
  17. maxx

    Hiding backend IP

    Ahh, I was hoping there would've been a smarter way. Do have any recommendations for DDoS-protected providers?
  18. maxx

    Hiding backend IP

    What methods do you guys use to hide your retros backend IP? As many people I'm using Cloudflare for both my subdomains which works perfectly, however I still have my servers emulator IP revealed in my client. I know Cloudflare offers their service "Cloudflare Spectrum" which also protects...
  19. maxx

    Heroic CMS SSL?

    Have any of you managed to get Heroic CMS running with SSL support? According to this Github issue you can import fastify this way const fastify = require('fastify')({ https: { key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'file.key')), cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname...