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  1. LAR5

    Plus EMU Spambot Problem

    Hey, thank you for helping us, that means a lot to us and our community. See it this way: A user comes online, (not a robot) and sends a huge amount of spam messages in a short time, causing people to fail/crash their client. I dare not say for sure that it is 1 package or that there are...
  2. LAR5

    Plus EMU Spambot Problem

    It is indeed a great pity and sadness that people spend time manually registering accounts and then spamming in my hotel. I think it's a shame to see that people put so much effort into ruining the effort and pleasure of others. Furthermore, we are currently looking for a solution, verification...
  3. LAR5

    Plus EMU Spambot Problem

    The spammer is not online right now, (i've closed the emulator). But it is pretty obvious. A player has a spam tool that passes through the Plus spam filter. They are a huge number of messages sent in 1 "package", usually they are silly messages without content. They are not bots, because the...
  4. LAR5

    Plus EMU Spambot Problem

    Thanks for responding, The user that is spamming in my hotel owns a spamtool that sends 1000 message's per second in a public room. Because of this, people will have lagg, and disconnect from the client.
  5. LAR5

    Plus EMU Spambot Problem

    Hey We recently started Tux Hotel. It is going very well, and we get around 20 online every night. Unfortunately, there is 1 fun nuisance who likes to come online with a spam tool, who can send 1000's of messages in 1 second, which our emulator cannot handle, and therefore fails/gives players...