Search results

  1. Velaski

    [PLUS EMU] VIP Alert

    Some guy on here coded it terribly wrong, and it made me sad so: Add this in GameClientManager.cs public void VIPAlert(string Message) { foreach (GameClient client in this.GetClients.ToList()) { if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() ==...
  2. Velaski

    Professional SWF advice required

    I've been experimenting with Habbo, and how it's made. From the emulator to CMS to Swf, I'm trying to see what happens between them. I've chosen to experiment with Enables. My question now is, how do we create custom enables and make them function properly? How do we choose the enables to go...
  3. Velaski

    [PLUS][FEATURE] Staff Chat

    Found this on the rival forum and I see a lot of people requesting it. 1. Go to UserDataFactory.cs Change return new UserData(UserId, Achievements, favouritedRooms, ignores, badges, friends, requests, rooms, quests, user, Relationships); to if (user.Rank >= 6) //Change it to the minimum...
  4. Velaski

    Some SQL Syntax

    Making a game in plus emulator and it requires three tables : - Users - hoteljobs - hoteljobs_ranks I created my two variables: int JobId; int JobRank; The users table has JobId and JobRank in and working correctly. In my hoteljobs table: In my hoteljobs_ranks table : What I am trying to...
  5. Velaski

    Looking for certain enables

    Hello Devbest, I am currently looking for new enables: Baseball Bat Sword If anybody has them, could you kindly send them - thank you. EDIT: Found!
  6. Velaski

    [RELEASER] Pure Emulator [RELEASE]

    After a high demand requesting this emulator, I thought it would be best to release this and give to the lacking community. Features: SetSh StopSh LOADS of commands there (Credits to Zipto Hamada based on his diseased emu edit <3, but I commented them all out in the command manager.cs ) Buyroom...
  7. Velaski

    [RELEASE] - Pure Skin- [RELEASE]

  8. Velaski

    Show DevBest Simple File Downloader [Source]

    Hello Devbest, I am here today to release a simple File Downloader I made with some help. I used some code from : @Quackster so thank you! I also added a really bad looking UI with this ( I'm bad at designing ) See it in...
  9. Velaski

    Applicant Developer Applicant

    I'm Shawn, looking to work at a hotel doing some developing or taking a job as a Technician. I've been offered jobs however the team just seem the fall out after a couple of weeks. Hence why I am looking for a owner that has decent technical knowledge and doesn't struggle with funds. Moreover, I...
  10. Velaski

    Merging UserID with ID

    Ok, title may be a bit confusing I will explain. I have my code here: class Character { public int Id { get; set; } public int HP { get; set; } public int Kills { get; set; } public int Deaths { get; set; } public Character(int Id, int HP, int Kills...
  11. Velaski

    What will make a Habbo Hotel good?

    It's troubling me how each and every single is the same. Maybe it's suppose to be like that I'm not too sure, don't really play hotels as much as RP's. Can I just ask what will make a Hotel good? Hotels are getting repetitive and it's about time a hotel has some flair. But maybe a hotel is...
  12. Velaski

    Coding Bots - Help

    I'm trying to have a bot in a room, and once a command is executed the Bot will perform the task. And I want the bot to possibly move around aswell. Any help? @JayCustom @Altercationz @Sledmore I have this: var BotUser = new RoomUser(0, _room.RoomId, primaryPrivateUserID++, _room)...
  13. Velaski

    RKO Command Plus Emulator

    Everyone has been requesting this command, so I decided to just release it. Didnt take long, took around 5 mins. class RKOCommand : IChatCommand { public string PermissionRequired { get { return "command_rko"; } } public string Parameters...
  14. Velaski

    Client acting sad as always ^^^^^^^^ Client says uploading at 100% then when the uploading reaches 100% it disconnects o.o someone help, im bad with clients The uploading is at the bottom left of the screen
  15. Velaski

    Changing Client Image How will I change that to like something different ^^
  16. Velaski

    IF Statements shortened

    I am currently learning to code and using PLus EMU to create a RP. I'm using the same conditions for most commands so I was thinking I could shorten it For example: int ConD = (if statements) and In my code i can just write ConD and will it work?
  17. Velaski

    Hosting with 2 VPS'

    How can I host my retro on 2 vps' Like Website on one, EMU/swfs/db on one, or a better way. bump.
  18. Velaski


    What themed RP's/Hotel should be made. The community is lacking something unique as every single RP is using the same files for their RP. This leads me to think, what's actually going on? If some developers are looking at this thread, thinking how can I have a good impact on the community to...
  19. Velaski

    [RP] Suggestions

    I was thinking what would make a Habbo Retro RP unique? (Not node because idk how 2 do it) Love to hear your suggestions!
  20. Velaski

    Future Programming/Coding
