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  1. Deean

    Custom Radio Templates

    ajax most likely ;) oh both right? I need it like easy to change the shoutcast details ;_; and it can be edited idk lol
  2. Deean

    Custom Radio Templates

    What do you mean :oops:
  3. Deean

    Feedback First Badge

    Looks really nice, very majestic. You should make the so it doesn't have a chunk of her missing at the top of her head. Other then that, great job!
  4. Deean

    Custom Radio Templates

    Hi everyone, I really want to know how to make a custom radio player there are some examples below on what I want to make. If you know how to do this please pop a message down below if you can teach me/make me one. (not habbo related just the examples I could find)
  5. Deean

    Retro The Status of Habbo Retros

    Your right, there are no good people releasing. I guess there are "one release wonders", they make one good release then leave for good something like that.
  6. Deean

    Retro The Status of Habbo Retros

    The retro community is a "hole". It has some great people, and some bad people. The bad people just like you said take credit for what they didn't do, and the good people code there own stuff or give credit. The good people you don't see much as people "can't be bothered". We need more users who...
  7. Deean

    Applicant Habbo Retros - Application

    What do you mean by RPs :s. Yes I can!
  8. Deean

    Applicant Habbo Retros - Application

    removed LOL