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  1. F

    Flash Freeze Hotel

    good luck
  2. F

    Flash R63 - OhanaHotel

    good luck
  3. F

    Flash HabWorld.CO.UK | R63B | Custom CMS |

    Question is though, are you able to fix it and get it working? :)
  4. F

    Flash HabWorld.CO.UK | R63B | Custom CMS |

    Rabbo, this is not Rabbo, any chance you could send me a link for it? Ill see if its the same CMS, chances are most likely not as this CMS is near enough impossible to get it fully working like we do Edit: Just found Rabbo hotel and they are using a RevCMS edit, this is a completely different...
  5. F

    Flash HabWorld.CO.UK | R63B | Custom CMS |

    Thanks, we plan to update the client soon to use some of the new UI's aswell
  6. F

    Flash HabWorld.CO.UK | R63B | Custom CMS |

    HabWorld Hotel is the re-creation of HabRockz but only this time, it is 1000x better! The Hotel is still Ran by Jeremy and Zod but the professionalism and effort that has been put into the Hotel for the new Start is Incredible. We have intensely updated and renovated the entire hotel to make it...
  7. F

    Predict, did you ever release the habbo homes script you made on If you don't...

    Predict, did you ever release the habbo homes script you made on If you don't remember what one im on about, heres the picture
  8. F

    Help with R63B

    Hey guys I was thinking about persuading Jeremy to make HabRockz R63B but this is one thing I don't know would it work on ubercms and would I need to make a new database or not or is it just an emulator? If you could help me that would be great.