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  1. S | R63 | Customs | DDoS Protected | 24/7 | Stable | Up over 1 Year!

    What is Habball Hotel? Habball Hotel is a community based retro, meaning anything you say is taken into consideration, to back up this claim we have a feedback survey any user can fill in if they wish to bring anything to light (problems they come across, glitches etc) This is located on the...
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    Changing from sha1 to MD5 HELP

    I was using rev with md5 but now i want to use jontehs new illumia cms but it won't let me login because of the hash difference..anyway to convert? :D
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    REVCMS Housekeeping 404 page?

    I'm using a revcms habbo edit and when i first started using it the housekeeping worked fine but after a couple of days it 404'd..Does anyone know why it would do this?
  4. S

    Tutorial for setting up voting.api on Ubercms?

    All in title
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    whenever i go on the client it loads to full then just redirects to /me?!?
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    Hey Dev, I started up a retro yesterday, it's good and working, but they're a problems i am suffering with.. 1: I want to put it on a VPS but have no clue on how to do that 2: they're some things that need fixing in there like commands wise..for example, :sit, :flagme 3: The CMS is old and...