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  1. AresCJ

    UberCMS Fixed, Desire Edit, Phoenix Compatible!

    This revision has the client fixed? The client loads 45% of the way of the window... Once I finish with uberEmulator and uberCMS, I'll release them. :D
  2. AresCJ

    [RELEASE] ClaNBZ Stats Signature

    You already know someone is, trust me Edward.
  3. AresCJ

    [DISCUSSION] Best Habbo Emulator Developed

    I must say, Holograph Emulator (Dissi's edit) as it became much more stable in the Holo era. I've never used or coded Uber (and NEVER will) so... Holo's been the only thing so far until I try out Snowlight and others.
  4. AresCJ

    What retro era did you enjoy the most?

    Old school is where it's at right now in MY opinion. All this flashy shit, can dim down because I'll never use it.
  5. AresCJ

    [REL] Snowlight Emulator & CMS

    Hmm, I might use this as well for my own little Habbo creation, and may implement some into the CMS too. Nice release Rasta!
  6. AresCJ

    For me, everything looks fine, but for my friend... HELP PLEASE!

    CTRL + F5 (or empty BROWSER cache, cookies, etc [ESPECIALLY CACHE]) Make sure he/she does it correctly before he thinks Thrones are scorpions or something, lol. Secondly, simply reboot server.
  7. AresCJ

    [HABBO] Habbo Retros are old news?

    Reason for me making this thread is only because when you visit the retro private server site /f334, you see plentiful amounts of retros, correct? Now you see all the descriptions are about the same, and yes I do go on the threads and read the threads just to see how different these hotels are...