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  1. NextToNothing


    what aboouttt class checkForRippers { public function __construct { if(similar_text(file_get_contents(''), file_get_contents(''))) { die('OMG RIP RIP RIP'); } } }
  2. NextToNothing


    try this. class checkForRippers { public function __construct { if(file_get_contents('') == file_get_contents('')) { die('OMG RIP RIP RIP'); } } }
  3. NextToNothing


    It didn't work? :(
  4. NextToNothing

    How'd your username come to be?

    Haha! And i just thought of mine once and it stuck. :)
  5. NextToNothing

    Graphic edit request

    What's this for? Pls? :)
  6. NextToNothing

    [TUT][CMD]how to rename a file to .htaccess on WINDOWS

    Download a blank one from FTP and then copy it everytime you need a fresh one? That or you could use linux, since its free, lol. But its a neat little trick to use on windows :)
  7. NextToNothing

    Will the world end in 2012?

    Short answer: No. Long answer: No, with lots of details of which i cant be bothered to explain, but if you think its because of the mayan calendar, then your just, well... an imbecile because it doesn't say the world is going to end.. Although - this is true: the world will end in about 5...
  8. NextToNothing

    Any Suggestions for a DEDI

    That looks like an ovh reseller or something, all links lead to ovh and when i went to the end of the selection process for the cheapest one, with windows 2008 r2 standard edition, i don't even know if i picked the right one - there was so many of them, it came to £158.56. Edit :- I checked...
  9. NextToNothing

    Any Suggestions for a DEDI

    "under £100/pm for 16gb ram, 2tb hdd, quad core, and windows for £23/pm extra" That seems a hell of alot cheaper than most places.. and £55/pm is cheap, not really a rip..
  10. NextToNothing

    Any Suggestions for a DEDI

    I recommend I got a quote from them for a 2gb ram with 1tb hdd for £55/pm - said they could setup on monday if you order soon - usually setup in 12hr on weekends. They also have other good deals ;) Good price ;) p.s. try emailing them for a further discount ;) -...
  11. NextToNothing

    [Release] UberCMS 99.9% working! December 2011

    Why am i not supprized? We expect to know what your posting onto the forum, not inside out, back to back, but what it actually is. Any screenshots, so i can see the theme?
  12. NextToNothing

    XenForo IIS

    only if you run apache or iis on a different port from each other, say one on port 8080 and one on port 80, but this will confuse people and they will get annoyed and it doesn't look too good, and speed will go down because your running two web servers.
  13. NextToNothing

    XenForo IIS

    I dont know much about IIS, sorry, i tried my best :/
  14. NextToNothing

    XenForo IIS

    Hmm. I see your problem. (its pheonix's fault). Try this link ->
  15. NextToNothing

    XenForo IIS

    Use apache. Why would you even want to use IIS.
  16. NextToNothing

    Router error

    Thats what i was thinking :L I wanted his ip to check.
  17. NextToNothing

    Router error

    Whats the hotels ip address?
  18. NextToNothing

    Router error

    Go through testing proxys, find one u want to use and bookmark it for the future.
  19. NextToNothing

    Router error

    Put your site back to how it was and use a proxy man :) Edit - seems good, give it a try
  20. NextToNothing

    Router error

    You could always find a good proxy and bookmark it and use that for getting on your hotel if you have trouble using localhost because of redirections or somehting. for list of proxys.