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  1. Mango2735


    Does anyone know how to fix this error not found:;9:13:42 AM-handleDisconnect-Login Handler Class-Connection was disconnected: info;T=9:13:42 AM
  2. Mango2735

    R35 Help

    Im using an r35 emulator and dcrs, but right after the client loads, I d/c. I don't know if it is the emulator or the dcrs. And I get these errors in my database. not found:;1:11:51 PM-handleDisconnect-Login Handler Class-Connection was disconnected...
  3. Mango2735

    Emu error

    Does anyone know how to fix this error, im using a r35 emulator and I dc once i get on the client. Idk if its dcrs or the emulator, because I've changed both. But this is the error i get in my db, t not found: club_habbo.bottombar.text.member;12:23:47 AM-handleDisconnect-Login Handler...
  4. Mango2735

    v26 code.

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew the C# code for a v26 (holo) emu, to increase a users speed? Thanks.
  5. Mango2735

    v26RP client help

    hello, Im using the habborp emulator. And everytime i get on the client it says error please contact player support, and then d/c's. I looked on the log and this error was there: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column 0. at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)...
  6. Mango2735

    Medieval Weapons

    Hai, Im working on a project and would like to know if some one can pixelate a axe, mace, and shield, and wand Thanks, In these directions ..
  7. Mango2735

    Pixel Punching Bag

    I need a pixel punching bag. They need to be rotated in this direction: please .. -thanks
  8. Mango2735

    Webhost Cms Help..

    Hello I made a RP , And i'm hosting the cms on webhost & the server on a VPS. But yet when i start the server it works perfectly and connects to the db. When i get on the client i cannot connect to the hotel. Please Reply with help. Thanks
  9. Mango2735

    Fulake CMS 4.0 [RP]

    So, Basicaly i wanted to release Fulake CMS 3.0, New Features Include: -Better Gang Page -No more scripting -New CMS sturcture (ty jammy) -New CMS style(ty aaron and me) -and more features check it out for yourself. - also it seems i have left the character overview page on jobs.php, you can...
  10. Mango2735

    RP PHP Problems

    1. How do i fix this php code so that it goes to a specific id not make a new table. <?php [/B][/B] [php]<?php /*================================================================+\ || # PHPRetro - An extendable virtual hotel site and management...
  11. Mango2735

    [RP]Habbo Command / Function [Service]

    Hello, It's Me Mango Ok, So I am Starting a Habbo Command/ Function Service. It Has been a while before we Had this So I am Here To Start So. I wanted To do something a little different. The Emu type for these commands/ functions can be From V26 RP Servers e.g.(rasta lulz, obborp) to, R35...
  12. Mango2735

    [RP]Gang Plugins 2 95% Done[RP]

    Now The Title is Gang Plugins 2 and it's 95% Done. Keyword 95% Done. Greetings, I am Here To Feature The The Gang Plugins 2 Threads So Lets Get Started. #palmface# 1st Lets Get Started With GangClaim. Now You'll Need To Delete all your Present gang commands if you have any right now and...
  13. Mango2735


    Hey guys, I have made a coding thread mostly For RP Commands ;) So please post some imaginary rp codes you would love to see on your hostel ;) LOL! If you don't get it right away im pretty sure someone on the forums will code it for you. ;) GO AHEAD~
  14. Mango2735


    Hey Im look for a new signature can someone please make me a skin out of the ordinary. It has to be incredible. Colors or text or themes??? Use your imagination Please ;) I will be looking forward to the sig~
  15. Mango2735


    Hey guys im back and i have another problem with my webhost. Please bare with me i harldy use webhost so help me with this. Help?????
  16. Mango2735


    Well, I have been Owning a RP for some days [HaflexRP] I wanted to put it on webhost. So I used I noticed my datbase name was The same thing as my database username. So when i installed my rp it didnt work........... Help;(
  17. Mango2735

    [Tut]The Habbo Help Tut![TUT]

    Well, it seems that people need help with their own various habbo problems so here is the habbo help tut. 1. Ok, So you wont to add your own page to your own official Habbo cms. First of all you will need a php page to start it off. <?php...
  18. Mango2735

    [Code][Habbo gang List Page][Code]

    Ok, Lets say You are a poor lonely and scared habbo roleplay user and you want to stay away form gangs this release is for you. Or You are a cop and you want to watch all users participating in gang activity this release is for you! Or lets say you are a manger and you see some gang users coming...
  19. Mango2735

    Html EMail help for habbo retro

    Hey I need an html lick when u click the words like "get this" A box shows up were you can write and then when you click submit it sends it to a specific email
  20. Mango2735

    Lol fail robbery
