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  1. JoBa

    Flash - A Community Based Habbo Retro

    I can't get onto the client, gets stuck on 76%
  2. JoBa

    i can do it put your back into it

    i can do it put your back into it
  3. JoBa

    Can i use gordon swfs with swiftcms?

    Try it
  4. JoBa

    Is Lime Hotel SwiftCMS?

    SwiftCMS has been released Dylan - Hope it helped :)
  5. JoBa

    Is Lime Hotel SwiftCMS?

    Thread is seriously pointless, there's 3 ways you could of found out instead of making a thread. 1. Check the actual site 2. Check the limehotel thread (where it clearly says SwiftCMS) 3. Ask j4ck himself. Consider deleting the thread. facepalm.jpg
  6. JoBa

    DevBest's 2012 Community Awards (Voting)

    Most Popular: RastaLulz Funniest User: m0nsta. Most Inspirational: Jessss Most Hated: iCormak Cockiest User: DietDrPepper Most Professional: Sledmore Most Missed: Heaplink Biggest Nerd: Find All-Time Legend: m0nsta Biggest Fag: Wassim Staff Member of the Year: m0nsta. and...
  7. JoBa

    Introduction Hi :3

    Lepos being the biggest.
  8. JoBa

    Introduction I'm Back!

    Cause shit
  9. JoBa

    UberCMS 2.0 - Site Error

    I'm having problems with viewing the actual site it's just plain white I'm new to making retros, just started today. Cheers
  10. JoBa

    Talk shit, get hit.

    Talk shit, get hit.
  11. JoBa

    Post your xmas tree!

    Don't lie to me ;)
  12. JoBa

    Post your xmas tree!

    Nice advent calender ;)
  13. JoBa

    Introduction Hi :3
