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  1. MubarikHZH

    PokemonCrater ?

    Anyone use to play this game on the internet I think it closed like December in 2007 this use to be my favourite pokemon game online
  2. MubarikHZH

    (UberCMS) Me Page Jumbled ?

    So I need help with this known bug I don't know why uberCMS is like this when I update the webbuild but it's all over the place , I think it might be something to do with the me page but I don't know , I feel like giving because it feels like a lost cause. Screenie: Me Page: <?php...
  3. MubarikHZH

    My Stupidity - How do you fix this error

    I'm too tired to concentrate how do you fix this deformed index page: Thank You if you can help
  4. MubarikHZH

    New Habbo Games ?

    I just popped on to Habbo and surprise I felt kind of bored so I thought I really miss playing Snow Storm so why don't I just play one game of it and to my surprise I saw more games and I wondered what they were. 1st Game: Best of Turku 2012...
  5. MubarikHZH

    Which is better Marvel or DC

    Well I was browsing this section on Debates and I couldn't find anything on this topic so I thought to myself " what the hay" So I just went along and created this thread. So in my opinion I don't know really because Marvel and DC Comics are both really good and movies aswell like Avengers ...
  6. MubarikHZH

    [Re-Release] QuickRegister for RevCms

    Hello I am re-releasing this quickregister for revcms habbo skin and I don't take credit or effort in this whatsoever. This is on RZ thought it would be a nice gesture on putting it on devbest. Screenie: Download link:
  7. MubarikHZH

    Video The Avengers/Avengers Assemble Movie (2012)

    Hello , I am here to tell about this movie which has just recently come up in Cinemas. Base on Marvel Comics , Avengers This movie is a good movie to see in the cinemas or watch online (if you can't be bothered paying money) The First like Hour for my opinion is pretty boring and pointless...
  8. MubarikHZH

    Best Tune Ever.....

    I want my keys , I want my phone :D
  9. MubarikHZH

    Error with zCMS

    Well Ive been getting this error on Jonteh's cms Title: Table 'zcms.fuserights' doesn't exist Text: Table 'zcms.fuserights' doesn't exist & I was wondering if anyone could help me because I have been look on for the past hour & dosen't seem to be any fixes on there also on here...
  10. MubarikHZH

    Revcms Habbo Theme Skin Housekeeping Tab

    I don't know why but everytime , I make a link on a page to the ase , my tab looks like a link has been cut off at the end and it looks different to the other tabs. My image will explain better: im using this {housekeeping} for the link is this probably it?
  11. MubarikHZH

    Need Some Assistance - Newbie Level

    Well I've been having some difficulty with some things: 1) How do you change the colour of this ----> 2) How do you do change the colour of tabs 3) How can you make housekeeping tab only visible for Ranks 3 and above 4) I get this every time I Add Hot...
  12. MubarikHZH

    Ubercms Web Config Error

    Well I was testing with Ubercms on IIS and I seem to be getting a web config error and I don't why also I already have Helicon Ape so I don't understand what is happening. Screenie of the Error:
  13. MubarikHZH

    Can't Login in to Housekeeping

    Don't know why but I can't seem to login into Housekeeping it keeps saying "Incorrect Access Level" but i'm rank 7 so I don't know why it's refusing to let me on. Proof I'm Rank 7 in my DB: Housekeeping Login problem...
  14. MubarikHZH

    PHPMYADMIN - Won't Load :(

    Well I've trying to get into my phpmyadmin since yesterday night and this morning and I seem to not be able to load it. Im using IIS , Not sure whats up with it but just won't load. Error: Would best thing to do is download Phpmyadmin again and replace...
  15. MubarikHZH

    Logo Won't Fit on my Page

    Well My Thread saids what it saids: My Logo Won't fit some of it gets cut off. Link: Is there a way of making it all fit?
  16. MubarikHZH

    Google Chrome --> Internet Explorer

    Well Im a Bit confused because I changed my logo and background in my images folder and they do not show up but they still have the old way of looking of my cms and when I use internet explorer everything is changed why is this. When I use Google Chrome:
  17. MubarikHZH

    Quick Question

    If you want to rip pages from other cms's do you have to code them into your database to accept because Im using revcms habbo theme and it dosen't have that many pages so i was wondering if you could use pages from other cms's and make them work with revcms habbo theme skin?
  18. MubarikHZH

    CMS Issues

    Well Another help thread :O But im confused a bit :confused:, My problem is I have changed the background and logo for my cms but they are still there on my index page , Register Page and Me page etc Problems: Proof I have changed the background and...
  19. MubarikHZH

    IIS -> CMS

    Well I was a user of Xampp but I heard about how fast and more secure IIS was so I got it fully, I installed php , php my admin , mysql server however Im stuck because I don't know how to put my CMS on to my IIS. I just have the IIS page everytime i type in localhost , I just confused because...
  20. MubarikHZH

    [Disccusion] Emulators [Discussion]

    (Hope this dosen't get deleted :up: ) Well I have noticed alot of retros are using Phoenix Emulator , I have heard that it is fast and reliable. My Discussion is: If Aaron + Developers of Phoenix decide to close down the whole project , shutting down the emulator forever , What will or might...