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  1. eMAgic

    Holograph + PHPRetro: RP Edition by RastaLulz

    Thanks Sledmore, I have fixed this problem with downgrading to Xampp 1.7.4 :) Thanks allot :) eMagic P.S now my client wont load? SSO ticket error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Holo.Managers.rankManager.fuseRights(Byte rankID, Int32...
  2. eMAgic

    Holograph + PHPRetro: RP Edition by RastaLulz

    Sorry for such a big bump! The register page appears to be blank, a live link to it can be seen here: Also there are allot of errors in /includes/core.php I will post them now :) Notice: Undefined variable: page in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\core.php on line 21...
  3. eMAgic

    [SKIN] Xephos

    I think tabs can be added, just they are images (the navs) Don't know where you would be able to find that text though.
  4. eMAgic

    [SKIN] Xephos

    Client is not working for me ;S I have reconfigured obv...
  5. eMAgic

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    Lovely Error Handler! And sounds good so far ;) EDIT------------ OK thanks ;) will I be able to import my current Habbo? It is custom made...
  6. eMAgic

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    A different HK... I dont like it xD Althought it's ok... Will all existing themes work or be recoded?
  7. eMAgic

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    Excellent! Still Have ASE though? :(