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  1. S

    HTML CSS help for assignment

    I'm trying to create a template for my assignment before I start making the webpages, and Im currently stuck, When I insert multiple content box's my sidebar moves down, I'm not sure how to fix this, with just one content box it's fine, but when I insert more the sidebar shifts down. The HTML...
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    swf's arent showing up

    My swf's arent showing up in rev cms, i placed them in htdoc's/r63/ in the config I set it up exactly as such and I ran my emulator and its still not showing up, and when i open the client it shows up has a black screen, the loading bar doesnt show up or anything.
  3. S

    Coding Help

    So im making an emulator with a friend and im getting this error: public static bool smethod_5(Class12 class12_0, string string_0) { bool flag; string[] strArray = string_0.Split(new char[''] { ' ' }); string str = null; Class12 class2 = null; Class10 class3 =...
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    [Release] Auto SWF Grabber From Habbo [Release]

    This is a little program which just copies the SWF files straight from habbo's directory: If you beleive its a virus then scan it your self and post the results. To make it work place the program in a blank folder anywhere (folder has to be empty)...
  5. S


    Im getting this error from a page im building: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\xampp\htdocs\llot.php on line 133 Line 133 = $db = "INSERT INTO `lottery` (`id`, `username`, `num`) VALUES ('$uid','$id','$finalnum');" so what could be causing this? and a...
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    SQL query

    Im making a lotto system, and I have made most of the code but I just cant figure out how to send the SQL query into the DB to record the number that user choose/and to remove the appropriate number of lotto points(made a currency as well). The query codes are: <?php $db =...
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    how do I execute an SQL query in PHP

    so i was wondering if someone could make a php code to run an SQL query when the user clicks a button. I have written the sql query in php already i just have no clue how to excute it, also could someone tell me if this php code works? : $Suser = ('"/userme.php"'); ^^^^^^^^^ this code is to...
  8. S

    SQL error... agian

    Im getting this SQL error: Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in $row = mysql_fetch_object($credits); $credits = $row->credits; Im coding a simple lottery system if your...
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    SQL error

    im making a lottery system and im getting this error: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource the line thats causing it is: $credits = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `id` = '$id'"); $row = mysql_fetch_object($credits); << this...