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  1. Linxon

    Request Habbo Hotelview logo

    Hey, i need help to change this from "Habbo" to "Habplay" Could anyone help me? Contact discord: Linxon#0218
  2. Linxon

    Habbo 2 VPS

    Hello, My habbo retro is currently running on 2 VPSes. CMS and swfs is on one, and emu + db is on the other one. But, the CMS is lagging much more after setting up the hotel with 2 vpses! Can anyone tell me how to stop the cms lag?
  3. Linxon

    Habbo on 2 vpses!

    Hello, How can i have IIS and swfs on one vps, and emulator + database on another? Thanks :)
  4. Linxon

    [PLUS] Achievement

    Hello, I have a problem with the 5% Real Habbo I achievement I dont know how to fix it. Can anyone tell me?
  5. Linxon

    Visual Studo edit

    Hey, Can anyone edit a emulator file for me with Visual Studio?
  6. Linxon


    Hey, Im trying to add the new xmas 2016 furnis in the catalog, but when i add them, theyre just invisible in the catalog. I copied the sqls and xml from internet.
  7. Linxon

    Plus Emu whisper rank 2

    Hello, Im currently running a hotel with Plus EMU, and rank 2 users can read whipser. How can i change it to only rank 7+ can read whisper? (Im using the plus emu files from *****)
  8. Linxon

    [HELP] Diamond Exchange PLUS [HELP]

    Hello, im trying to make it possible to exchange to gotw points in plus emu, but i dont get it to work. CreditFurniRedeemEvent.cs: using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms; using Plus.HabboHotel.Items; using...
  9. Linxon

    [PLUS EMU] Invisible Avatar [HELP]

    Hey, when i go to my client i get alot of errors, check them out. It looks like it cant load the avatar clothes, face and stuff like that. Im currently using: PRODUCTION-201602082203-712976078 Please help me with this problem!
  10. Linxon

    R63b database error

    Hello, im trying to import clean firewind database. But i get alot of errors. I have fixed this before, but i dont remember how. Help? Screen:
  11. Linxon

    Habbo on 2 VPS?

    Hello, Is it possible for me to have emulator and database on one server, and the webserver // website on another server? So its different IP? If it is, how do i connect em and do it?
  12. Linxon

    Habbo /me error

    hello, when im going to i get 404 error not found. This happend tonight and i dont know how it happened. Anyway, all the other pages is working fine, but /me is not working. Please help me! I can even pay you if you fix! :)
  13. Linxon

    IIS 7 Problems

    Hello, I started IIS 7 on my server, but, when i restarted the server 100% it still says the "IIS 7" screen with alot of welcome signs. It wont change to my Habbo Page. Well, if im going to "localhost" in my VPS i get the page i want, but on the domain, i only get the IIS 7 welcome sign place...
  14. Linxon


    Hello, i have been running my hotel for 4-5 months. And, randomly today i get 404 on the /me site. ONLY /me, not /community and stuff like that. Yesterday i go sleep, then i wake up today, go to school, then when i came home i got this 404 error problem on the site /me. Im using IIS, and i have...
  15. Linxon

    Habbo Help

    Hello, When people on my hotel is playing, some of them are getting reloaded like from nowhere.. Im running r63b firewind, not the newest GUI. anybody knows how to fix? Skype: lonerhabza
  16. Linxon

    Habbo Hack Help

    Hello, Someone found an backdoor or exploit in my cms. Well, they can get access to other users accounts. Im not that pro in fixing backdoors and exploits, so i need some help. Please contact me at skype: lonerhabza! :)
  17. Linxon

    Client redirects to /me.. crossdomain 404?

    Hello, i have a habbo retro using firewind emulator. I added a few furnis, then i cleared cache, and then its not working to go into the client? well, some of the players can login but not me.. I GOT one error in chrome developer tools. error: "GET 404 (Not...
  18. Linxon

    [Release] 71 New Jungle Furnis [Release]

    Hello, in this post im releasing the new Habbo Jungle Furnis (2016). The SQLs is for Plus Emulator. Screenshots: Download: Credits:
  19. Linxon

    [Habbo Retro] Commands not working

    Habbo Retro Commands Not Working Hey, my Habbo Retro ban commands is not working. I have tried to add a new "permissions_ranks" and "bans" table to my database. Im currently using Habbo Gold Tree Emulator v3. I have tried to change from "GTE Edited" to "GTE". Please help me with this problem! ;)
  20. Linxon

    [RE-RELEASE] Habbo Gold Tree Emulator

    GOLD TREE EMULATOR (RE-RELEASE) 1. Working 100% 2. Db Sqls Included 3. Stable Emulator I dont have any screenshots at the moment, but im gonna update this later. Download Link : Which sql should you import(?) With name 'GTE3.0.sql' Please comment if...