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  1. Charbee

    Flash MustBeHabbo! 24/7 // R63 // FAST VPS // STABLE Hello! Okay so we listened to the feedback we were given, we have updated the website, made a few changes within the server and started fresh. When i say fresh, I don't mean the database has been wiped, I mean its just a fresh start for us. The hotel has been struggling...
  2. Charbee

    Flash MustBeHabbo! // 24/7 // R63 // Fast VPS // Stable //

    What is MustBeHabbo? We are a relatively new hotel which managed to rack up over 100 users in just 2 days. However when we moved to a new VPS, the database was not backed up and everything was lost (bummer) Anyway, we are back now, with an updated website, catalogue, commands and tons more...