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  1. thatguywayne

    [HELP] Uber logged out

    Ok I connected fine. I'm trying to test things. I am hosting my server on a vps. I connect fine. When my friend connects this is what happends. Noob has Logged in. Noob has logged out. Noob has logged out. He gets disconnected right when he logs in. x.x
  2. thatguywayne

    [HELP]Uberemu iJakey edit

    Well when my friend tries to connect he gets this error message. I'm hosting the emulator on a vps i've tested with 2 accounts on 2 diff computers. Is there a fix for this?
  3. thatguywayne

    Introduction Hai :p

    Hey guys! Whats happenin! I'm just getting back into the habbo "retro scene". The last time i've messed with anything was when they first started using MySQL databases xD. Yeah I know its been a while. I found this site from "Zap Hotel" (I assume that its apart of DevBest). Coding etc really...
  4. thatguywayne

    I need some help/suggestions

    I haven't been messing around with retros since MySQL databases first came into the picture. I was thinking about reopening a hotel that I had a WHILE back. Could someone lead me into a direction for a stable version of uberEmu? MySQL isn't a problem i'm just bad with coding. I know most of...