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    [CSS/HTML/jQuery] Make Background Image Fit All Screens

    Well, just look for yourself. This is a website I've been developing and this background shiz is getting me mad.
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    [CSS] Selected Link on Navigation

    I am trying to name the selected link be a different colored background, but it won't be filled like how I want it. It looks like this: I want it to look filled up (I'm talking about the "Home" link).
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    Show DevBest [REL][PHP] Add Style to your HTDOCS!

    Tired of seeing that old, bland HTDOCS directory? Well, it's about time you cleaned it up! The script below will style your HTDOCS, using buttons! It's a simple release, but I take little-to-no credit, as I've used open-source code to construct/learn this. <?php $sitename = 'Site Projects'; ?>...
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    Service Habbo Banners [FREE]

    I am making Habbo Banners for free. There is no need for a 1k word thread, so here are the banner(s) that I've already made. Deep Hotel Puffet Hotel -- How can I get a FREE banner?! Complete the following form: Hotel Name: 4-6 features: Specific theme: (optional) Specific logo...
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    [REL] CraniuMS 1.0B [PHP / Fast / MySQL]

    This is the BETA release of CraniuMS 1.0, you just need to edit client yourself, and if you get it working, please let me know so I can fix it up. Overview: CraniuMS is a brand new content management system for Habbo Retros running on Revision 63. CraniuMS is one of a kind -- it's one of the...