Recent content by VitorNobre

  1. VitorNobre

    Help Plus Emu errors

    Room ID [2] is currently having issues cycling wired.System.IndexOutOfRangeException: O ?ndice estava fora dos limites da matriz. em Rocket.HabboHotel.Items.Wired.Boxes.Effects.GiveTeamScore.Execute(Object[] Params) na C:\Users\Vitor...
  2. VitorNobre

    WIRED Effect: Change Furni Direction

    Éxiste 4 bugs nesse wired. :), esse repositorio é o Merey10 total creditos a ele.
  3. VitorNobre

    [RELEASE] Navigator SavedSearches

    Packets for production 201609 ??
  4. VitorNobre

    (Plus EMU) Completed Headers for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395 (Release)

    NEED 3 PACKETS CLIENT PACKET public const int BuildersClubUpdateFurniCountEvent = 1917; // PRODUCTION-201609061203-935497134 public const int PlaceBuildersObject = 2204; // PRODUCTION-201609061203-935497134 SERVERPACKET public const int...
  5. VitorNobre

    [PLUS EMULATOR] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395

    If I update the production of the cloud emulator, will the camera work or change the structure? Packets of jukebox? Está faltando muitos pacotes como você pegar? Here is the list of missing packets for those who use 201609, if they can get it. SERVERHEADER:
  6. VitorNobre

    HabboEmulator based off PlusEmulator.

    Production ??
  7. VitorNobre

    PlusEMU Release Thread

    Hello @Sledmore good the tutorial you put to add groups forum is not working could correct?